Recipe 3: Cookie Of Destruction

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"Ne, Ichigo, want to come to a tea party?" A girl asked from her French Class. Ichigo, even though 3 weeks had elapsed, flashed a smile.

"Yes! Thank you!"

Clad in a Victorian short style dress, Ichigo gasp at the large amount of sweets, tables, and girls that were drinking tea. French Students were serious at what they were doing, especially with tea.

"Ah, Ichigo-chan!" A friend of hers called her, as Ichigo gave a smile and sat by the female. The girls had welcomed her, even if she eats most the population of sweets. However, there were seats opened for a long time next to Ichigo that she can't help asking.

"Who is sitting here?" Pointing while eating her tart cupcake, a shadow appeared making Ichigo look up to the male. 3 males.

"Thank you for inviting us." Andou said, as he sat between Kashino (sitting next to Ichigo) and Hanabusa. The girls started to flush and giggle, at the males in tuxedos.

"These are simply divinely sweet! They're sweet as you." Hanabusa flirted, holding a thin cookie in his hand. It was multicolored, and always tasted different when Ichigo grabbed one. Strawberry, lavender, Sakura, cherry, all sorts of flavors.

"So, this place is for the top Patissieres?" Kashino asked, where the girls just giggled in response.

"Yes, dear." Kashino flinched upon the word, noticing how tense the atmosphere was. Ladies that was sure to be Princesses.

"This is nice tea, how do you make it?" Andou asked, turning the conversation away easily for them to breath. Hanabusa remained flirting, talking about the flowers with them, Kashino engaged with chocolate cakes, asking how they create it with such texture, and Ichigo came in conversations with small talks.

"Japan teas must have been made differently than in France. Unfortunately, you don't get the smooth texture unlike in Japan." Andou felt a little hurt, where he showed the tea packet to them. But most of all, they were acting as if Japan was underclassed.

"Who made these cookies? It must have been made by you sweet girls." Hanabusa voice ringed out.

"Teehee, but they weren't made by us. They are made by the chefs." Ichigo's friend said, taking another cookie from the circular plate.


"Obviously, they make the food for us. This is a high-class event that only a few were able to join." Ichigo realized that the chefs were people who weren't able to go. But they accepted the position.

"Then I want to be a chef! I want to help out!" Ichigo exclaimed, where everyone was giving strange faces to her. The Sweet Princes noticed, and gave a glare at her to be quiet.

"And you want to do the dirty work? Honey, just accept the privileges unlike those commoners that want to join in with us. It's a privilege." Ichigo felt glares coming over the place, and it made her stay planted in her seat. She couldn't stand up.

Kashino immediately noticed.

"I'm sorry, we're taking our leave." Kashino grabbed Ichigo's arm, before her other arm was taken by the other person. Hanabusa's arm was trapped with the girls. Andou, because of being in the middle, he wasn't trapped nor Kashino.

"It's a privilege. Sit, sweethearts." The girl icy tone echoed, as dark eyes were given to them. They weren't going to let go of them, they were the best in Japan. Mari and Haruna already left them, refusing their offer immediately.

"Please let go of me." Ichigo pleaded, where she was forced back to her chair. The girls creepy smiles looked at them. The tea and sweets remained forgotten. A girl was holding a tea cup in her hand, positioned to hit Ichigo.

"Ichigo, you want to be here, right? It's a privilege, a chance you can't get elsewhere during Lunch. If you leave, who else would protect you?" Ichigo closed her eyes before hearing a scream.

"Excuse me, but can I have Ichigo, Andou, Hanabusa, and Kashino?" An arm was being twisted from the backside, as a black hair girl held it behind. The girls gasp, Haruna.

"But, they're with me, Haruna."

"So you're just going to force people to your cliche event? Tea parties is for the past, go drink some soda or other drinks." Haruna said coldly, grabbing Ichigo's arm and the Sweet Princes leaving the place.

"Thanks for saving us, Haru-" Hanabusa started before a cookie collided to his mouth.

"It's Hanizaki. Japanese knows their greetings procedures, correct? I prefer my lady than my first."

"How do you know we were at the tea party, Hanizaki?" Andou asked, noticing Haruna a little more. Although they were in same classes, hd bever really took a look at her. She was a natural Japanese beauty, with tints of blue on her end of her hair, matching her startling sky blue eyes.

"No comments."

"Where are we going?" Kashino asked. Leaning forward in front of a Rose gate, Haruna smiled. It was their first time seeing her smile, that they were flushed in their faces.

"Your Crowds." They went in, and noticed only a few people sitting in a circle in a Rose garden. They were debating loudly, about whether to use chocolate or vanilla for a wedding cake.



On contact with the group, she slapped the two males on the head that were debating. "Be quiet gits."

"Ah, welcome to Your Crowds!" A blonde hair girl with small pigtails yelled out loudly, laughing at the end of it.

"Ru-chan, where are your Cookies of Destruction?" A purple hair girl said tiredly, fiddling with her classes. Handing it to her, Ichigo noticed it was the same type of cookies they saw at the tea party.

"Ah, strawberry panties." A black hair guy smirked, flipping her skirt. Ichigo shrieked.


After several minutes calming down everyone, they joined at the circle. Ichigo and the Sweet Princes sat next to each other, with Andou by Haruna.

"Did anyone bring the tea?" Everyone shook their head, until Andou remembered he had some tea packets.

"Thank you, Senno-kun." Haruna said, taking the tea from Andou's hand. Andou felt a little tingle when their hands touched, and it wasn't because her hand was cold. His face had some pink on it, as Haruna stood up to cook the tea at the school. A nickname.

"What is Your Crowds?" Ichigo asked. There was a slight silent moment, before the yellow girl cheerfully smiled.

"Silly Ichigo. Its a group full of Henrie's best students in the 1st Years Division! And you lot were chosen to be a part of a special event!"

"A special event?"

Love, Chocolate, and Delusions (Yumeiro Pattisiere)Where stories live. Discover now