Recipe 2: Macaroons

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~I'm so amazing that I can't figure out how to make sweets. T^T This is told in Ichigo Pov.

"Ne, Kashino, how do you make macaroons?" Ichigo asked to the blonde male while they were tempering chocolate in their lesson of creating delicious sweets.

"Macaroons? It's hard to do it perfectly, as the crust has to be done perfectly. It's known as the filling, and it has to be able to carry the filling, and not be too dense to be eaten. It had to be a thin, but crunchy layer." Kashino mentioned, as he finished up his desert.

"Excellent job, Kashino." The teacher commented, as she gave a point for their team.

"I want to try make one. Can we?" Ichigo asked, as the Sweet Princes agreed with her. A light scream came from the corner of the classroom, where the teacher had left the room, and see a student all covered with pastry cream. Ichigo ran toward her, and see her crying.

"Are you okay?" Ichigo asked the blonde, who nodded softly. Almost like an usagi, Ichigo thought in her head.

"Yes, I am.." Tears welled up in her ears, as Ichigo tried to make stand up. But the girls who were bullying wouldn't let her.

"Japanese Student, she's our teammate. You should go back doing your own work, the pitiful." The girl sneered, flipping her short green hair.

"But you can't hurt this porcelain soul, mi-lady." Hanabusa came out of nowhere, holding a candy rose in front of him. The green hair girl was surprised, as the Sweet Princes and Ichigo surrounded the blonde. She felt gracious to be protected.

"Move out of the way, we have to work." The green hair persistantly said. Ichigo kept looking at the door, waiting for the teacher to come to see the situation. But it seems useless.

"Leslie! Layla! Get the cream! We need to show these people a lesson!" The two other girl, a magenta and red hair, brought out a large batch of pastry cream. Ichigo waited for the blow of the cream, only to hear a scream.

Looking up, Ichigo gasp. There was a knife in the cream, and pierced through the exterior of the bowl. And it was aimed perfectly to let the cream fall onto the bullies.

"Ahem." Turning around, Ichigo could see a black hair girl, Japanese, wearing a smile on her face. The smile was forcedly, as her eyes kept twitching.

"May you students act normally in the kitchen? This is a royal place for us, not for a bunch of hooligans." The girl turned around and returned back to working.

"Damn you, bloody git!" The green girl said before strutting off with her friends. Ichigo turned to the Sweet Princes, gave a nod, and they went back to working. 

"Who is she?" Ichigo asked, as they filled the cream in the batter. Ichigo somehow remembered her when she was slapped in the face when she was arguing with Kashino. 

"Hanizaki Haruka, a pattisiere at Marie Garden. She is known to be Henrie's best student. She is from Japan, but lived in England for 8 years." Andou reported immediately, as he grabbed the pan into the oven.

"She slapped us." Kashino bluntly said.

Ichigo just only nodded, knowing that she'll see Haruka even more. More or less, she wasn't scared much. But at the same time, Haruka gave a pressence that scared Ichigo. A strong one. As if Haruka is the next obstacle they have to beat in order to become Patissiere.

"Class! We have an annoucement to give!" The teacher noted. Every teachers was in the room including Henrie which gives Ichigo a gasp.

"We have the annual contest! The Grand Prix!" The teacher said enthusiatically. Ichigo looked at her team and they nodded together.

"You can sign up at the office. That's it." 

"Should we try again?" Ichigo said excitedly as the other Sweet Princes agreed until she heard a voice in the background.

"Haruka-chan, are you going to go into the Grand Prix? You never competed before in one! You don't know the-"

"I may as well compete knowing the risks. To improve skills mean improving my skills as a patissiere than a student." 

Ichigo felt the pressence once more. It was the pressence of fear.

Author's Note

I haven't updated. I updated other Fanfiction and other stories. I was doing this for fun, so it might not be updated fast. XP I don't know how to make sweets. I'm not allowed in the kitchen due to hazard reasons. XD

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