Making A Wedding Cake [Hanabusa]

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"Hanabusa and Haruna, for the first mission for Marie Garden, could you make a wedding cake?" Haruna looked up at Henrie-sensei.

"No. I absolutely refuse to work with this ladykiller." Hanabusa was stunned. Whenever someone says he's a ladykiller, he will freeze for exactly 1 minute.

And because of that sentence, Hanabusa was in charge of making the cake. He was the leader to say, ordering Haruna around. But the bad thing- He doesn't have an idea how to tell a girl what to do.

Ichigo was easier to deal with, especially when she does need help. But Haruna was different. She was calm and collected, and was perfect in everything. But according to Kashino, she was terrible with chocolate.

The order for the wedding cake was an "original cake". Meaning, that Haruna and him would have to work together to do something.

"So, Haruna, do you have an idea? I was hoping we could create a rose cake-"

"That's too simple, Ladykiller."

"W-What are you saying?" Hanabusa answered after one minute. Haruna rolled her eyes.

"You heard me, ladykiller."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Let me be straight. I hate people like you. Impressing girls with your talents is stupid." Hanabusa was stunned over what she said. It was like she was underestimating him.


"Stop talking Lady Killer and get work." Hanabusa was having a hard time thinking if he was freezing every single time Haruna kept saying "Lady Killer". It was a struggle working with her. He could not figure out why Kashino and Haruna had a great relationship with each other, almost like Ichigo.

Hanabusa held onto her arm, where she was leaning on the table.

"What the heck, Lady-"

"Ah, a Lady shouldn't say such words~" Hanabusa's index finger shushed her lips, as she blushed for a bit and looked away.

"Shut-Shut up!" Haruna banged her head onto the desk. Hanabusa didn't realized that Haruna was a tsundere.

"Anyway, what are we making? I'm planning to have a candy ribbon swirl around the cake, ending at the top that creates a heart. Since the bride and groom wants an original, I feel like it should have a bit of a bride's personality.. But I don't know about the groom..." Haruna muttered, as she looked at Hanabusa. She never really understood boys.

They can betray. They don't have heart. They can help others without batting an eye.

"Hm... Why not have the candy ribbons to be transparent? Then we'll have feathers on one side. The other sides would be black feathers. We'll have a mixture of two personality. One is purity, one is sneaky. It describes the male and female sides. It shows that although one side may be darkness, one side could be light. The light is the happiness they have." Hanabusa commentated, as Haruna was stunned. He fully grasp what the bride and the groom wanted. Hanabusa was a bit girly, but he was considerate.

"Then, how about at the top of the cake, along with the heart ribbons, we'll have an angel's wings. The wings would be candies. That will help with the feathers. Hm..." Haruna drew it out quickly, where it only took 5 minutes to illustrate it. She moved quickly.


"Yes! Hm.. I'm sorry to ask you of this, but Haruna, would you create the cake itself~? I can do everything else." Haruna was a bit confused, but she followed directions quickly.

They worked fast and efficiently. They only had 3 days to finish it and bring it to the bride and groom. Haruna had an easy job, where she just make the cake itself. However, creating the tempering was hard for her. But remembering the chocolate prince instructions, she could do it.

Hanabusa was creating the candy ribbon with great perfection. When she came on the third day in the morning, Hanabusa was sleeping as the angel wings were created. It was beautiful.

The cake was ready to go, and Haruna and Hanabusa could only wait for the final result. Though, they were in dresses and suits as they watched the bride and groom go down the aisle.

"It's beautiful. The love between them is so deep." Haruna looked at Hanabusa before looking away. She was blushing.

"Yeah, but we should get to that cake~"

They stood up, and served the cakes in the after party.

"What a divine cake! I want to order the same cakes!"

"The chocolate is so creamy.. And the wings are just marvelous!"

The Marie Garden was growing.

Making a Weddding Cake {Hanabusa}

Love, Chocolate, and Delusions (Yumeiro Pattisiere)Where stories live. Discover now