Scar's Reign Chapter 6 The Savior.

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We run, run as fast as we can to reach the cubs. Me, Sarabi, Ni, Scar and the other mothers of the cubs. I feel my heart beating in my chest. what if we get there and the cubs are already gone, or worse we are helpless and have to watch our cubs die. I cant think about this anymore. I feel tears in my eyes, then roll down my cheeks. Now I truly know how Sarabi felt.

Finally we reach the water whole, and I can see some of the cubs are at the waters edge, safe. I frantically look for Nala, but I cant see her anywhere. I shout to the cubs. "where's Nala?!" I look back out to the water and see a old tree on the other side of the water hole, there is a branch that stretches out over the water, and then I see her. She is on the branch holding on, the crocodiles surrounding her. Sarabi has seen her too. "Scar! Look over there it's Nala!" I look over to Scar who is walking this way, he doesn't look fazed by this event in anyway. "Scar we have to do something, quick!" I yell at him, annoyed at his lack of urgency. "well that's what Ni's here for, go on Ni, be The Savior" he says and smirks at Ni who is standing next to me. I look down across to Ni who looks terrified, he is really only a cub himself. I cant let him do this. "Scar you cant do this, he's only.."

"I am the King, I can do what ever I want!" scar snaps at me "Go Ni! Save her, before she falls to her death" he shouts and before I can do anything Ni runs off in the direction of the tree. I glare at Scar, then go after Ni. this is all because of what I said to him this morning, I could never be his queen how could I?

The sun is starting to set and the tree is just a silhouette in the evening light.

As we get closer I hear Nala's screams for help, its tares at my heart. just as I get to the tree Ni is already climbing its trunk. "Ni let me help you" I shout after him. "no, I need to do this alone, otherwise your king will never let me join your pride, I need this, don't worry your daughter will be fine" he says looking back at me, his one blue eye glowing so bright. "Ni, I..."

"trust me" he says, and I nod.

He carries on up the tree until he reaches the stem of the breach Nala is on. "Nala!" I shout up at her. She looks round her eyes wide and full of fear. "mum! help me please" she screams, her voice full of panic. "don't worry Nala, Ni will get you down, don't worry" I watch as Ni gets closer to Nala, on the branch the crocodiles underneath jumping up at them. "Be careful Ni!" I shout up at him. I feel so helpless down here. "I will" he replies. "Nala, I cant go any further without risk of the branch braking and us both falling, I need you to move towards me" he says calmly, not wanting to alarm Nala. "do what he says nala, just move towards him" I say, moving round the tree to get a better look. "No I cant" Nala calls back. "yes you can nala" I say as I reach round the other side of the tree. "hey nala, nala look at me" Ni says his voice quite and soft. Nala looks toward him. "that's it, don't look at them down there just concentrate on me, and crawl very slowly towards me OK?" she nods and begins to move towards him. "that's it nala, just a bit further" Ni says edging slightly closer to her. I let out a sign of relief, as she is just a few steps away from Ni, but just as he is about to pick her up, a loud cracking sound comes from the branch, Nala freezes and so does Ni, my heart suddenly feels like its in my mouth. "Ni!" I shout "Get her off now!" he snaps out of it grabs Nala by the scruff of the neck, and turns to climb down the tree. I run back round the other side of the tree and await them at the bottom. Just as he's about to reach the trunk of the tree another load crack echo's in the air, the branch is about to brake. he has no time. He throws Nala in the air towards me, luckily I manage to catch her in my mouth and set her down beside me. I look back to Ni, just in time to see the branch brake off the tree and plummet in to the water below.

"Ni!" I shout and run towards the waters edge. he is there on the cliff, hanging on. I gasp. "Ni, here let me help" I say and reach down to him, he claws at my paw but he is to far down. "I, cant.. reach.." he says his words sounding strained with all the strength he is using to hold on. what do I do? there is nothing I can do, he is to far down, I cant reach him, and the crocodiles are getting closer and closer. "Ni, i don't know what to do" i say, my brain frantically searching for an idea. he looks up at me his eyes full of fear.

Then I hear Nala behind me, "mum here!" she shouts and i turn to see her with a long vine like plant in her mouth. "Nala you clever girl!" i shout back and run to help her. I grab the vine in my mouth and run back to the cliff edge. i chuck one end of the vine over the edge. "Ni get a hold of this!" He bites down on to it, then me and Nala pull, and he clambers up back up on to the cliff. We all fall to the ground panting fast, my heart beating load.

"We did it" Ni finally says after a moment of silence. "you sure did" a voice says from behind me. I look back to see Scar standing there with Sarabi and the other lionesses with their cubs. "Are you OK Sarafina?" Sarabi asks, walking over to me. "Yes, i'm fine, it's Ni who's the real hero today though" i say looking over to him with a smile. He smiles back, then stands up and walks towards Scar. "i hope i have proven myself to you, your majesty" Scar looks down at him, a snob look on his face. "very well, you may join my pride, but you brake any rule and you're out" he says calmly then turns round and walks away. Ni turns back to me and Nala and smiles. "come on we better get back before the sun is fully set" Sarabi says. "Don't want to be wondering the pridelands with the cubs at night".

Nala runs up to Ni and hugs his leg, Ni is slightly taken aback by her actions, but then puts a paw round her. she lets go and looks up at him. "Thank you Ni"

"Hey, no problem" he says and smiles. "come on we better go, and I'll have a word with you later about what you were doing at the water hole, alone young lady" i say to Nala, a slightly worried look on her face.

then we all start our journey back to Pride Rock.

Yes another one :D hope you like this chapter :) its not that long, but i will hopefully write another one soon. Sorry for the long wait for this one

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