Scar's Reign Chapter 7 New "Friends"

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"Ok, just promise me you wont do this again" My mum said and sighed. she sat across from me in Priderock cave, it was now dark outside and everyone was settling down for sleep.

 "Yes mum, I'm sorry it wont happen again" I say crossing my paws. "Good, now we need to get some sleep, its been a long day." She stands and wanders over to Sarabi, who is fast asleep and exhausted from the events of earlier.  I look around to see who is about, most of the other cubs are asleep with their parents down in the under cave, beneath Priderock. I see Ni standing outside peering over the edge of pride rock, he looks sad, yet content. I stand to go over and see Ni, but my mother stops me. "Nala, its time for bed now, ok?"

Looking over my shoulder I see her laying next to Sarabi beckoning me to join them.I glance back at Ni, then move slowly toward her. "leave him out there, he probably needs to think, its been a big day for him" she says as she pulls me in to her. "I know, he just looks sad"

"I'm sure he's fine, you can talk with him in the morning."

"ok" I sigh, and rest my head on my paws. The night is cold so I stay close to my mum, her fur and body warm and comforting. I feel my eyes growing heavy and soon enough I am fast asleep.

I wake to chuckles and giggles. I lift my head, its still dark out, it must be very late. I look around to see where the laughter is coming from. Outside I see Zira siting looking over the edge of Priderock.  Hmm,  I think,  What is she laughing at?

I stand up slowly so as not to wake my mum or Sarabi.  without hurrying I walk out of the cave and toward Zira. "You should be asleep" Zira says without even looking toward me. "how did yo..."

"Shhhhh!" she interrupts me looking straight at me then back down. I per over the edge to see what's interesting her so much. "look at him, ha" she says laughing to herself.  then I spot him. its Ni being kicked and pushed around by Indugu, Zira's annoying brother. "Why is he doing that?" I ask, a slight panic in my voice. " umm, he's showing him who's the boss around here? Cant have any other males coming and thinking he can rule the place can we" she stars down at them fighting, Ni taking a battering. "But Scar's king? and he doesn't have a problem with him being here, why is your stupid brother beating him up!?" I say a stern look on my face up towards Zira. "first off, don't call my brother stupid!, second there are a lot more ranks in a pride then just king,  not everyone is on the same level after king, we all have places in a pride, we just thought we would give Ni the honour of knowing his" she says her eyes narrowing as she grins down at Indugu and Ni.

I huff and start making my way down to them, I run toward Ni who is being pinned up again a rock, and stand in front of him, cutting of Indugu. "get out my way you little termite!" he shouts showing his teeth, "I'm not scared of you Indugu, leave Ni alone he doesn't want any trouble!" I yell, with a little growl. " leave it Dugu, its not worth getting in trouble tomorrow with the lionesses, I think Ni has learnt his lesson" Zira says grinning, then turns around to walk the other way. "you try and mess with us? you'll get messed up" Indugu says to Ni, his eyebrows large and menacing. He stands strong, then follows after Zira. 

"What was that all about?" I Ask Ni. He stands up slowly and walks past me, "I don't know, they were talking to me, telling me I better not mess this up, and to do everything the king tells me, and if I mess up I'll have them to deal with"

"And.. why did this make them fight you?" I ask walking along side him.

"I asked if they were the kings little sidekicks..." he stops and looks at me, "what?!" I say then laugh. "that's amazing!" I cant control myself from laughing, he looks at me confused "that bad hu,?" he asks when I stop giggling. "No! Its great, but yeah no wonder they decided to put you in your place"

"yeah... I'll be more careful next time"

"You do that, hey I wanna show you something," I say turning around and pacing back up toward Piderock  "where are we going? shouldn't you be going to bed?" he asks running after me. "Nah, I'm not tired anyways"

We both reach the opening of the cave at the top, and tiptoe past so as not to wake anyone. We pass the opening and I glance back at Ni who's right on my tail, a confused but exited look on his face. "just up here"  I say gesturing towards a slope going up and around the rock. We both run up, until we reach the top, I walk to the edge and sit. "should we be up here?" Ni asks as he sits next to me. "yeah its fine, me and Simba used to come up here all the time" I say, then I feel an overwhelming sadness come over me, and I feel tears forming in my eyes. I look down so Ni doesn't see my face, "Simba? I haven't seen him yet have I? is he a good friend of yours?" he asks looking down at me "he was...." I take a deep breath and look back up "but he's gone now" Ni looks out over the horizon and sighs. "oh.. I'm  sorry" "its alright, you didn't know, anyway he's up there now" I say, looking up to the stars above. "up there? in the sky?" Ni asks looking up with me "yes, all the great kings of the past are up there you see, looking down on us"

"he was a king?" Ni asks surprised "no, but he was going to be, and a great one he would have been".

Me and Ni stay up here talking for hours, he tells me about his old pride, and how all males are kicked out after a certain age to fend for themselves, he said he hated leaving his mother with those lions but he had no choice, and that if they found out how he joined a pride here with a king already that they would be very ashamed of him, and see him as weak, but I didn't care I thought Ni was a brave and strong lion and could one day be a king.

"I think you would make a good king" I say looking out towards the rising sun. "me? a king?" Ni says surprised and confused. "yeah, your wise, and brave, those are the two key parts to being a king" I say smiling up at him "Ha, you know Nala, for a little cub, you ain't to bad" he says smiling back down at me "Hey, you know I'm not even that much younger then you?" I say a smirk forming across my face. Ni laughs and looks to the sun, "we should probably get back before they realise we've gone" he says standing up and stretching.  I yawn and nod at Ni. "yeah, my mum would go crazy if she woke up and I wasn't there" I say turning round to walk back down the slope.

When we reach the cave Ni turns to me and rubs the top of my head, "see you around little star" "little Star?" I ask a confused smile on my face. "yep that's what I've decided to call you now" I laugh "ha, well ok then, see you around, umm Scruffy" "Scruffy" he laughs, "oh thanks" we both laugh. I turn around to see mum and Sarabi quietly sleeping with the other lionesses and Scar all the way at the back on his rock. "I better get back before they wake, I'll see you soon" I smile and trot my way in to the cave. I reach my mum and settle back down with her, looking back out I see Ni walking over the edge of the rock and he's out of site.

A smile creeps across my face and I think to myself.   its nice to finally have a friend again. but something was awakening inside me, something I hadn't felt before, a warm fuzzy feeling when ever I was with Ni, or even thought about him, what was this? was it just because he was new and it was my body telling me to be weary? no surely not, or maybe it was something more, that my body wanted my new found friend to be more, more then just.... friends..... 

OMG! another chapter yay! :D

its been so long o.o but I really hope to start to write these a bit more now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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