Scar's Reign Chapter 1 Story Time.

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Hello! :D so yes this is my first page ^^ I really hope you enjoy :)

Just to let you know if you see a name of a character like this -Sarabi- then that means that is who the point of view is from :) just so you know.

OK lets start this..





It was the middle of the summer and the sun was beating down hot across the Savannah plains, also known at "The Pride Lands".  I was laying down on my said soaking in the heat of the day, and I had bean most days as it was to hot to do much, and me being in my old age, I now left the hunting for the younger and more agile lionesses.

I was just dozing off to sleep when I heard the sound of cubs in the background, laughing and giggling.  I lifted my head to see three little cubs play fighting and running around together, then one of them saw me and squealed with delight, "Hey aunt Sarabi!" she shouted springing over to me. her light coloured fur shone so bright in the sun, and her slight mane of fur of the top of her head bobbing  up and down as she jumped towards me.  I chuckled "hello my dear" I said as she came and sat next to me.  "what are you playing with Usiku and Doa?" I asked.  "hmm, well, they are not really playing with me, I am watching them fight" I chuckled again slowly lifting my body to a siting position. "it's so hot today aunt Sarabi" she said flopping to the ground next to me, "it most certainly is".  The other two cubs had  stopped fighting and were now walking towards me and Kubwa, "having fun you two?" I asked as they both sat side by side in front of us, "yeah" they both said in unison.  Even though they were twin brother and sister they were very identical, and you could hardly tell them apart, the only thing that was different about them was that Doa, the sister of the two had a small black dot to the left side of her face.  

Usiku sighed and hunched his shoulders, "I'm bored now", "well why don't we play tag!" Kubwa suggested loudly with her paws to the floor and her bum in the air,  ready to start  "auh no it's way to hot for that" Doa said laying down resting her head on her paws "says you who was just fighting with Usiku!"  Kubwa said sitting back up next to me "I KNOW!" Kukwa shouted startling me slightly, she looked up at me with big beaming blue eyes, "you can tell us a story!" I chuckle slightly and lay back down next to them "well I guess it is probably a good day for it, as the sun is so very hot today, there isn't much else we can do without having to leave pride rock ".   They all move closer in and sit, watching me closely, "hmm OK what story to choose.." I look around at my surroundings wondering about what story the cubs may like to hear, "oh I know how about the story of when scar was the king of pride rock". "oh yes that sounds great!" Kubwa said her eyes widening by the second "alright them.. I will begin".

Thanks for reading :) Hope you enjoyed it I know it wasn't much.. but this is just the start.

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