Chapter 5

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"Hey Eddie, can I ask you something?"
I don't know why I felt so nervous but somethings been bothering me. Not what he's hiding under his bed but something else.
Nobody's POV
*time setting: last night (chapter 3)*
Edgar kicked Luca out of his room before going to sleep. The prisoner laughed before making his way to his own room.
"Ha he so easy to mess with"
Luca opened the door to his room and got ready for bed. He locked the door and laid down on his bed.
"I don't know how to describe it but being around him feels familiar, kind of like a faint memory of someone" Luca was talking to himself which he does pretty often uncontrollably.
He rolled over on his side and kept thinking of what that feeling could have been.
A few hours passed and Luca did eventually end up falling asleep.
*present time*
"Sure, but make it fast" Edgar's face kept turning blush red whenever he was around Luca which annoyed him so he wanted to get away as fast as possible.
"Why the rush~?" Luca smirked, which only made this situation much harder for Edgar.
"Just ask me already" he rolled his eyes and looked away.
Luca grabbed Edgar's hand and ran through the hallways. It was more like speed waking for Edgar since Luca wasn't particularly the fastest amongst the survivors.
"What are you doing!?"
"Shh just come with me."
"Don't shh me, peasant"
Luca finally stopped at his room.
"I thought you were going to ask me something, why are we here?"
"I am gonna ask you something Eddie but, come with me first."
"D-don't call me that"
Edgar followed Luca into his room and stood by the door.
Luca started rummaging through his drawers until he pulled a record player.
"Hello?" Edgar was growing impatient and was getting ready to leave.
Luca's POV
"Wait don't go, I almost got it"
Edgar stopped moving and turned around again, he looked so annoyed, how cute~
I set up the record player and started to play the song I found with it. I'm not really sure where I got it from but apparently I carried it with me when I first came to this weird manor.
I got the music to start playing and then walked over to Edgar.
Once he heard it, it looked like it reminded him of something as well. As if something like this happened before.
"Will you dance with me?"
I held out my hand to which Edgar playfully smacked away
"Oww, don't break my heart Ed-"
"You really brought me here to ask me to dance with you?"
Nobody's POV again
Edgar looked unamused and angry but secretly was kind of happy, although he would never admit it to anyone ever.
It seemed the song reminded him of something too because he kept spacing out a bit.
"Is that a no?"
"mphf fine."
Luca smiled so wide you could see his snagged tooth.
The prisoner grabbed the painter hand and led him to the middle of the room.
"You know how to dance?" Luca asked, moving his hand to Edgar's waist.
"Of course I do, I'm good at everything." Edgar moved his left hand to Lucas shoulder and held the prisoners other hand with his right.
"Oh, is that so~?"
"Better than you'll ever be~"
"Did you just tease me?"
"W-why would I ever do that."
The music started to slow down and the two of them started dancing.
Edgar's POV
Why does it feel like I've danced this before? The same dance, the same song. I looked up and Luca's face and he seemed to be enjoying himself. I won't deny it was kind of wholesome honestly.
He just smiled at me before closing his eyes again.
I blushed a bit and closed my eyes too.
Luca moved closer to me and moved his other hand down to my waist as well.
"Hey Edgar, does this seem familiar to you?" He held onto me tighter before looking at me again. It's almost as if I've danced this before, like I've felt this feeling before.
"I just thought about It a lot last night and being around you kind of reminds me of someone, I don't remember who but-"
"Me too."
I laid my head on his chest completely forgetting that I barley even know this guy. Even though it feels like I do. I couldn't help but smile a bit, only a little though.
Luca's POV
I looked down and saw his head on my chest. Did he just smile?? I blushed at the glance, "You know I've never seen you actually smile before. You look cute when you do." He nudged his head a bit and I saw the tip of his ears turn red which made me smile too.
I carefully rested my chin on his head and we kept dancing.
I felt him move his hands down from my shoulders to my back and then he hugged me.
"Is everything okay?"
"Valden?" I chuckled a bit before Edgar stopped dancing and looked up at me. He had a light pink blush spread across his face and his big blue eyes looked up at mine.
"Have we met before?"
I looked down at him and thought about it for a moment.
"Then how come I can barley remember it?"
Now that I think about it, everyone who came to this Manor doesn't seem to have any memory of how they got here or their past lives before they arrived which is pretty weird. Yet all of us can only remember one thing from our past lives, the thing nobody wants to remember.
Bonus ;)
Luca: "About whatever you're hiding under your be-"
Edgar: "No."
Luca: "You don't trust me?"
Edgar: "it's not that I-"
Luca: "are they really that private?"
Edgar: "that's none of your business."
Luca: "so it is something private then~"
Edgar: "so what if it is?"
Luca blushed and then looked away.
T-they're dancing 😣
I never knew it was possible but I managed to write a chapter without anyone beating anyone else up 🤠✨✨

Until next time my fellow Edluca shippers

Art doesn't belong to me

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