Chapter 7

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Note: slight angst this chapter?? But
dont worry y'all, I make up for it later on 😌
That horrible alarm again, I groaned before attempting to get up until my leg hit something.
Huh, what was that? I turned to my side to find non other than...Edgar!?
What was he doing in my be-
That thought was interrupted when he turned to his side, his face now only being a few inches away from mine. I couldn't help but just stare at him while he was sleeping.
I felt my heart beat faster the more I looked at him and I really didn't want to get up now seeing how comfortable he looked with his messy hair and all, it made him look so beautiful...
"Fine, you win Eddie."
I laid back down for a few more minutes, and kept trying to remember what happened last night.

Setting: last night (chapter 5)
'Now that I think about it, everyone who came to this Manor doesn't seem to have any memory of how they got here or their past lives before they arrived which is pretty weird. Yet all of us can only remember one thing from our past lives, the thing nobody wants to remember.'
Luca paused for a moment, attempting to put the pieces together while Edgar just kept looking up at him with a concerned look, still keeping a slow stepping rhythm since they were still dancing.
"Luca..can I ask you something?"
The prisoner snapped out of thoughts before looking down at the painter to answer.
"Heh of course Eddie."
Edgar hugged Luca tighter before opening his mouth to speak.
"Why are you here?"
Luca stopped dancing as a wave of memories hit him and his smile disappeared.
He let go of Edgar before making his way to sit on the bed.
"Are you okay, Luca?" Edgar asked while sitting next to him.
"Look" the prisoner got up to stand in front of Edgar as he started taking off his shirt making Edgar's face turn a bright red color.
"H-hey what are you doing?"
Luca finished taking off his shirt, reveling the bandages he had wrapped all over his chest and handed the shirt to the man in front of him.
"Notice anything?"
He then continued to take the bandages off showing what was under them.
His chest had marks that looked like blue sparks and electric burns that went from his hands, all the way up to his neck.
Edgar sat on the bed, examining the body in front of him, wondering what could have happened to the guy for him to be in such a state. Black eye, snagged tooth, scars, even a prison uniform.
Edgar unconsciously frowned when he started imagining what Luca had gone through.
He would obviously never tell the guy but he really did care a lot about him, more than anyone else and seeing his scars could only remind him of his own which added on to the depressing moment.
"Inventions, I was working on what was going to be my 'great invention'."
Luca made his way to sit back down next to Edgar before continuing to speak again.
"I- it.." Luca froze again as he felt his eyes water up slightly.
"Shhh, I- it's okay." Edgar moved closer to Luca and wrapped his arms around him, one of his hands rubbing circles on his back while the other was holding onto one of Luca's hands.
Edgar wasn't really good at comforting people since he couldn't even comfort himself but he did try.
The two remained silent, holding each other for a few more moments until Luca had calmed down.
"You know what?" Edgar started.
"Lay down."
Luca looked confused but that look of confusion was quickly replaced with a desperate look of wanting comfort.
Edgar made his way next to Luca before literally demanding to get closer to him so he could hold him again.
"You don't have to do any of this Eddie, I'm sorry I-"
"Shut up and close your eyes."
Luca looked up to see Edgar attempting to avoid eye contact as a pink tint covered his face.
"Do you feel better?"
The two of them made eye contact again which was a little awkward but not entirely since they both did feel something for each other that they couldn't really explain.
"You know....I remember."
Luca looked at Edgar with a curious face.
"Remember what?"
"When we first met."
"You do?"
Edgar's mouth slightly formed a smile as he thought back on the memory.
"You walked up to me and asked me the dumbest question I have ever heard in my life."
Luca also smiled a bit. Although he couldn't remember the whole night, he was able to remember a few things.
"Is that anime?"
Luca let out a soft giggle before reaching for his hair tie and letting his hair down.
Edgar's smile widened at the response and his stomach felt all fluttery when he saw Luca with his hair down.
"Hey Eddie"
Luca hesitantly brushed a strand of hair out of Edgar's face feeling his own stomach have this fluttery feeling as well.
"Can you stay here for tonight?"
"Nope." Edgar teased, smirking a bit.
"Welp you don't have a choice."
Luca pulled Edgar closer to him and took out his hair tie as well, freeing his slight curls.
Luca stopped to look at Edgar, his hair framed his face perfectly and he almost kinda of looked like a doll. I mean big eyes, small nose, such a pretty face.
"You know, you're really pretty."
Edgar's heart beat faster as he just moved his head down before speaking.
"J-just shut up and go to sleep."
Luca laughed again, almost completely forgetting about his horrible flashbacks for a moment.
Edgar squirmed around until he got comfortable which Luca found adorable.
"G-good night luca..."
"G'night cutie~" Luca smirked which earned him a very intense looking death glare.
"Don't call me that."
The two of them started laughing at each other and before they knew it, they were both already asleep, still hugging each other.
Edgar's head being buried in Luca's chest and Luca's arms holding the painter closer to him.

Bonus ✨✨
"Psst Eddie"
Luca huffed before deciding it would be a good idea to start poking the painter on his stomach to wake him up.
"Wake up."
"what the hell are you d-"
"Do you like me~"
Edgar jumped up a bit before almost shoving Luca off the bed and made his way to sit on the opposite side of the bed, his feet now hanging off the bed and his face facing the wall.
"What do you mean? why would you even think that? I actually have standards and would obviously never fall for someone like yo-"
"So you do then~"
Luca got up, went over to Eddie and tackled him on the bed.
The prisoner was now holding the painter captive as if he committed some crime like robbing a bank or running over everyone in the parking lot of target with a Lamborghini.
"Awwww Eddie likes me~"
"But you didn't deny it hehe"
"You have 5 seconds to let go of me and fall asleep before I stab you in the knee with my paintbrush."
"You can't get a paintbrush if I'm holding you 😌"
"You're so stupid..."
The room got silent for about 8 seconds until the two bursted out in laughter waking up half of the damn manor and I swear you could hear all the hunters say
"those damn survivors ✋🙄"
Um so ✨cuddles✨

I wrote this at 2 in the morning when all I was thinking about was "why not write a little comfort chapter" since I had to get up at 6 for school and run on 4 hours of sleep 🤩

I apologize for any spelling mistakes!
art doesn't belong to me!

Until next time y'all 👊🤠

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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