Chapter 6 - The Nutmeg Geranium

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   I woke with a start. What time was it? I looked out my window to find the sun. It was about eleven. I sighed with relief as I ran my hand through my hair. I could feel the exhaustion lingering as I must of slept for only four hours.
   I had to get moving. The funeral was at noon and I had to stop by the flower shop to grab the flowers. I jumped in the shower quick and changed into a plain black dress with dark mesh sleeves so I didn't have to mess with makeup. I slipped into a pair of black flats and made my way to the flower shop.
   Thankfully it was on the way there. It was twenty minutes from my cabin to the shop and twenty minutes from the shop to the Lloyd's. They would have to live all the way on the other side I thought to myself.
   I made my way to the back of the shop and unlocked the door. I flicked on the lights. I walked around the table in the middle with the arrangements and went towards the front of the store. I grabbed a nutmeg geranium to indicate to my mother that I want a meeting. I started to walk back to the corner where the spray and rose tea was waiting when a monkshood caught my eye.
   Just in case my father was right that my mother did intentionally dishonor us I would use this one later on. I picked it up and set it on the counter. I scribbled a note that I would let her find with the flower. That would make her a worried mess. They often didn't think right when they were that scared. I would let her live in that state for a little while before I granted her the peace that comes with death. I tucked them into my pocket of my dress. I grabbed another piece of paper and put my name on it to tag the nutmeg geranium. That way she would know it's from me.
   I walked across the store and grabbed the rest of my flowers and made me way out of the shop. Locking the door behind me I set off for the funeral.
   Thankfully it wasn't too hot of a day. The slight breeze and occasional cloud helped tremendously. The funeral was in the backyard and was set up almost as a wedding. Two sides of chairs and an aisle in the middle leading to where the preacher would preach. Just behind him was the maple casket.
   I put my spray right on top of the casket and spread the rose tea around the bottom of the casket. Patrick must of been notified that the king and queen were going to attend as the front row was reserved for them. I put the geranium on one of the seats and started to make my way towards the back.
   Without a minute to spare the funeral was just starting as people filed out of the house and around it to take their seats.
   The king and queen were easy to spot. Their clothes were much fancier than anyone else's at the funeral. The queen wore an elegant obsidian silk dress with floral embroidery on the sleeves and bottom of the dress. Her black hair was up in a complicated knotted updo. Their was streaks of silver, the only sign of her aging.
   The king was right beside her as they made their way to their seats. He wore a black suit with a grey shirt and tie. He was well groomed and attractive. His beard was short and groomed. His hair was completely silver making his sky blue eyes pop in contrast.
   And they, of course, were surrounded by knights. They weren't in armour but plain black clothes. All the knights had their swords at their sides just in case they were needed.
   I couldn't look away from the queen. She was crying and had her handkerchief dabbing at the tears almost constantly.
   "Sadie was a close friend to my mom," Maggie said from beside me startling me. "She was the one that introduced her to my dad. The Lloyd's have always been close with my dad since they grew up together."
   I looked over at Maggie and nodded. Her hair was done just like our mothers except Maggie wore a plain black dress. Nothing fancy except the hairstyle. I suppose that was supposed to be her way of being rebellious.
   "Dahl, you look exhausted. I'm assuming the date with Gabriel went well and you got lost in conversation," she smiled wickedly at me.
   "No. It was probably the worst date I've ever been on. We just don't work and ended the night early." I responded dryly. We sat in the back and the funeral was going to start soon. A few more people were making their way to their seats.
   "So, you were up crying all night? Girl, you could of sent me a message. I would of came right away. I'm your friend and would do anything for you. You actually get me."
   I sighed, "I was up late because my father died and I was burying him." I looked at the ground face blank.
   Maggie's mouth fell open and eyes wide, "Dahl! I'm here if you want to talk about it. We can talk after this if you want to talk in private." Her eyes were searching my face trying to read my emotions.
   "I'll be fine. Thanks though," I looked up at the queen again. Her face was pale as she stared at the casket. She had understood my message then. Good.
   Conversation ended as the funeral started. It was long and drawn out or so it felt. Thankfully I didn't have to do any clean up stuff. Patrick wanted to keep the spray and was fine just having the rose tea blow away over time.
   The funeral finally ended and I was ready to get home to eat something and sleep. Maggie asked again if I wanted to talk to her about my father passing. She persisted with saying how it's not good to be alone. I assured her I'd be fine and if I did want to talk that I would send her a message.
   Patrick had pulled me aside and insisted on paying me right away which I appreciated. I thanked him and gave him my condolences as I left. Everyone was gone now as I made my way home.
   As I passed by the flower shop I noticed a note on the front door. I made my way over to it and grabbed it. It was a short message from my mother.
   It read:
   The bend south of your father's place. Tomorrow an hour before sunrise.
   A smile spread across my face. At least she didn't blow me off. And the location was a wise choice. The river would help keep our conversation from being heard unless they were close.
   I tore the note off the door and headed home. My stomach growled as I walked. Food, then sleep, then I'll meet my mother. I could absolutely sleep that long. I felt completely exhausted. Being tired when meeting would only lead to mistakes. I needed to be alert just in case she was setting me up.

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