Weaker than before

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🐙Noots POV🐙

I really wanted to throw something, but I had to cover... certain "things" first, a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts before things got deeper " Knock, knock, knock" but  I didn't answer just hoping whoever it was would leave. Soon the knocking did stop and after I attempted to take a nap ( which did not work) I decided to go for a walk, but I did not go out of my room I just went through the open window and went towards the forest near the castle, as I was walking I felt a soft, warm, and fluffy thing rub against my legs... a cat with two kittens, I scooped up all three with my hands and gently rubbed their heads when I set them down to continue walking they just followed me but I knew I could not take them home do to Errors Haphephobia and Horrors instinct to kill almost anything with meat in it, but then again I could sneak them into my room I've done it before so why not again? Oh, that's right a certain someone sneaks into my room occasionally without my noticing. Oh, whatever the cats were simply too cute, and plus I loved cats also being able to turn into one (it's a headcanon) and as I hid them in my tentacles I got a message from Error, " hey you up? Are you okay if you are up? We are starting to worry and especially Killer, he's been really close to having an f33king panic attack so text me whenever you wake up." "geez, they care that much? heh, weaklings." Hate spat out in my mind "shut up Hate at least they care about people" I said to him as he snarled and soon went back to, well who cares he does whatever.

〰Errors POV〰

"nO, RepLy yEt" I whispered trying not to glitch Dust gave a worried glance back, as much as we don't act or look like it we really do care about Night and do want to protect him and I know its the same way around with him. When he first started this group he was rude and very flinchy when we touched him but as time went on he warmed up and was much nicer but he was super protective when Fell sans joined the gang... It was fun while it lasted, but every day now when we destroy and save the poor abominations the stars protest and fight back and Nightmare soon started acting odd like he was broken but if we started talking to him about it he would change the subject real fast and he is starting to get flinchy again... I'm really worried about his health, he only heal others but is extremely stubborn and difficult when we try to heal him he always says something along the lines of "You're wasting magic" or " I'm not that hurt it's fine" even when there's a f33king arrows everywhere I just w- THUD " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" I started glitching out and error signs started popping out of nowhere, " Error calm down Fell just knocked over a pot that was empty its okay!" Killer said attempting to calm me down which helped a little but I still ended up crashing, " Error.exe has crashed reboot him? ✔ or  X.

💀Dusts POV💀

Error.exe has crashed reboot him? ✔ or X I clicked the checkmark knowing that meant yes and he started up. Wha-eh- ohhh." Error said just after rebooting it took a flippin' hour to reboot so it was nighttime and Boss-wait BOSS!? " WHERE IS BOSS!?" I screamed waking everybody, " WHAT THE F33K DUST!?" Killer yelled at me," BOSS IS GONE!" I yelled back knowing Boss would wake us up for dinner or would put us in our bed.



🔫  (゜ω゜) Take a cliffhanger

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