Chapter One.

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I don't know why I love the idea of Nick and Andy and their friendship/relationship LMAO I think I just like to take their not so good relationship with each other and create a complete alternate way around it. Anyway! Enjoy 😌

I don't really know what I am doing, or why I'm doing it, I sort of came here on a whim, not a lot of money, not a lot of anything if I'm being honest.
Just a train from Newcastle got me here, and now I am in Birmingham, with not much more than a guitar and an amp by my side, I don't know if I really need an amp, I felt the need to bring it with me anyway.
Why am I here? Well, I stumbled across an advert in a newspaper of a group who were looking for a guitarist, called Duran Duran; stupid name I know, but I liked it anyway, plus I really think I suit what they are looking for.
My dad got me a guitar when I was eleven, and I was hooked from there, I became quite the professional at only the age of thirteen, now with me being eighteen and soon to be nineteen, I am more than ready to be in a group, who knows where it will take me, it could be good fun for a while, even though I've got plenty of things I want to do in life.
I have to admit though, I am quite nervous on what the band are going to think of me, I mean I'd say I'm pretty damn good at what I do, if they don't let me in, forget it; I'll go places, I can feel it. It's really just showing others what I can do that scares me, considering all I have ever done is play guitar in my room alone, thinking I was brilliant.

I try walk with a spring in my step, I'm trying to be as confident as I can, although I have got a slight jitter in my hands, my guitar hitting off off my leg as I walk. I can't pretend I am not nervous, I just don't want to mess up and I feel I might just do that.
I really hope the band aren't a bunch of boring sods, I can't imagine being in a group and not liking the people in it... I personally wouldn't allow myself to go through it.
I'm supposing they are a New Romantic group, I'd heard of the Blitz club in London, I had no idea it came to Birmingham, my friend told me about it, I think it's... quite something, not too sure how I feel about the makeup, or the clothes for that matter; not on other people, of course! Just myself.
It seems to be slowly but surely getting rid of the whole punk thing, and honestly? I'm kinda glad of it, the whole thing was getting a bit boring, just the same old same, I really liked it when it first came about, I'm a huge fan of The Clash and Sex Pistols. I never hear much of new fashion trends or music, I'm from Newcastle, you see the place is backwards, completely ridiculous, you hear absolutely nothing about trends, I heard from others about things like that.
When I told my dad I was leaving, he didn't care too much, he's quite carefree about what I want to do, he told me if he didn't see me on television in a few years time, I need to come straight home and get a 'proper job' as he likes to call it. Although I know I'm doing nothing other than music, probably never coming back to Newcastle to live, as I said, it's quite backwards there, Birmingham seems very different, they've got practically everything, whereas I didn't in Newcastle. Even though I haven't got the full swing of Birmingham just yet, I have time, and plenty of it too.
I soon stop dead on the pavement, looking down at my hand where I wrote on how to get to this place.

Fucking hell, Andy. You idiot.

I forgot to write out the rest of the directions out, I was probably a bit high, I don't get high much, but my friends back at home do, that's when I wrote out the directions of it, when we got high together... Probably not the best idea.
I was told that I couldn't miss it, it's close to the city's centre down a small alleyway, but this place has so much that I wouldn't be able to know.
I look around, looking completely helpless- probably embarrassing too, I am pretty sure it's close to here, what's it called? The Rum Runner? I think that's it, quite an odd name, but again it's different, quite cool.
I walk forward, pretending to know where I'm going, really I haven't got a clue; I spot someone walking down my way, I suppose I'm going to have to ask someone. I can't just not turn up.

"H-Hi, excuse me- do you know where I can find the Rum Runner?"
I ask, and I can already feel my face flare up, slightest things like these always seem to embarrass me.
I bite my lip softly, staring up at the man in front of me, I'm quite small you see, so you can probably guess I'm always having to stare up at people.
The man looks me up and down slowly, raising a brow as he stares at my outfit, then my hair, then the guitar and amp by my side, great; just more embarrassment.

I had bleached my hair blonde a few nights ago, quite messily done in my bathroom; I think I done a good job, although the way this man is staring at me, clearly not.

"It's uh- just down that way and to the left."
He says, pointing behind him, I look hastily, trying to see over the man in front of me, finding it difficult.

"Appreciate it."
I blurt out, before watching the man nod, looking me up and down once more with an eyebrow raised, stepping past me.
Thank God for that...
I think to myself, sighing in relief as I go on my way, remembering what the stranger told me in my head.
I soon turn the corner, my eyes meeting a small building, it looks quite wrecked, although I don't know what I was expecting, I don't think this was it though.

My eyes soon fall to the door, I presume the back door, where I was told to go in, and all of a sudden nerves stir in my stomach, I wasn't expecting to be nervous for this, although now I'm here it's different.
My throat suddenly becomes dry, while I bite my chapped lips as I walk to the door.
Behind this door could be the beginning of my life- no, that's a bit stupid of me to think that far ahead, this could be a band that I can look back on and laugh at while I'm in another worldwide famous band.
Something like:
Oh yeah, I remember Duran Duran, silly thing I used to be apart of.
Or maybe... This could be the start to my fame, maybe I'm what this band needs to kick it off? Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, I should probably knock or something.

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