Chapter 14

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I feel quite nervous, do I say something? Do I have to convince him to let me get a job? Nick told me we're going to see the owner of the Rum Runner, Micheal Berrow I believe it was? So I can finally get myself a job, I don't know if I need to be good at anything or have any specific skills to get a job at the Rum Runner, Nick told me it'll be easy and to let him do the talking, but I think I'm very capable of talking to the man myself, although Nick tells me he can get on his good side and knows how to convince him.

"Is he... Intimidating?"

I ask, picking at my fingers as Nick and I walk side by side.
He glances upwards in thought, the fact he has to think about it is enough for me to know.

"Not exactly intimidating, just a bit grumpy. He's a bit pissed at me at the moment."

"Oh? Why's that?"

Nick smiles to himself, with a smile like that I think he's quite mischievous in a way, I mean I don't think he minds getting himself in to trouble if it won't hurt.

"Well, I'm always at him asking for money, haven't paid him back in a while, I also said I wouldn't be working at the club anymore three months ago."

He laughs, he seems to be quite carefree about all of this, how does he think I'm getting a job if he's not on good terms with him?

"So, how are you going to convince him?"

"I've got a way with words, I suppose you could say. The age card also helps."

He giggles teasingly.
I roll my eyes playfully at him, I think I can understand what he means by that.

"Where exactly is this guy?"

I ask, since the direction we're going is not the way to the Rum Runner.

"A small flat, not far from here anyway."

I sigh quickly, catching up with Nick once again, he walks too fast and seems to always have a lot of energy that I can't bare to keep up with, although I enjoy it, it's nice to be with someone who can actually be enthusiastic about things.

"If he asks you anything, just be you. Calm and collected, yeah?"

I give him a nod of reassurance, I'm sure I'll be fine, and anyway, Nick is a very out going person, I'm sure he'll be able to talk him into it.

"Micheal! How are you? Long time no see."

Nick says cheerfully, a bit more cheerful than usual if I'm being honest, he's definitely trying to be more friendly. He must be a real pain, for reasons I can already imagine.
I feel my throat go dry when the man looks me up and down, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He stares at me with a slight bit of confusion and a bit of tiredness.
He soon looks back to Nick, sighing deeply.

"What are you doing here, Nick."

He asks bluntly, stepping aside to let us in. I hesitantly walk in after Nick, hands in my pockets and keeping my head down.

"Not even a hello?"

Nick jokes, taking a pack of cigarettes from off the desk without asking the guy, which I definitely wouldn't do.

"Are you wanting something?"

He asks, leaning against the wall, as if he already knows, and he is after something, and it has to do with me.

"Well, yes and no."

Nick says with a smile, he's clearly not phased by him at all, so maybe I shouldn't feel so frightened, he clearly knows him well.

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