The Panic

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~Niall's POV~

"Nikk! You gotta wake up! You gotta wake up! Nikk! Don't scare me like this!" I said shaking her body. Nothing. No movement.

"LOU! LOU! IT'S NIKK SHE NEEDS HELP! LOUUUUUUU!!!!!" I yelled hoping he would hear me.

I heard his powerful footsteps running down the stairs as fast as he could. He was looking as worried as me.

"What happened!?" He yelled making his way next to her body.

"I don't know we were just talking like normal, talking about why she loves me because I don't get why she does. Then she collapsed!" I panicked

I didn't know what to do, I'be never seen something like this happen. What if something goes wrong. What if I loose her.

I broke down into tears and curled up next to her. I prayed to god that she would wake up. Nothing. No response.

Louis checked her pulse. It was beating fast but slowing down. He blew on her face because she doesn't like that.


"We have to wait." Lou noted.

"Wait! How can I wait! The love of my life is unconscious, I can't wait! I can't loose her..." I trailed off.

I cried more and more into her shoulder. Just imagining her not waking up breaks my heart. Im hurting so much, and she will probably be fine but that doesn't calm me down.

I heard a slight cough thinking it was Lou.

"Niall I'm not leaving you..." I heard words escape Nikkita's mouth. She was awake. Thank the lord. She sounded hurt and her voice was really low.

"NIKK YOUR OK!" I hugged her rolling her on top of me. I felt her giggle vibrate on my chest. I kissed her soft spot behind her ear.

"Why wouldn't I be ok? I have you!" As she stared through my soul with her deep blue eyes. My heart melting by the second she rested her head upon my heart.

"Nikk do you hear that?" I wondered.

"Hear what?" She lifted her head up looking at my. I slowly pushed it back to my chest.

"My heart. It only beats for you, remember that." I kissed her forehead. It was warm I think she had a fever.


Nikk is finally asleep. The reason she had collapsed was because she was dizzy. She explained to the doctor that she had a bad head ache which the doctor explained caused the panic.

At least she's ok.

At least she was still her.

I'm happy she's with me

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