Marry Me.

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Even your room is nerdy just like you, you little shit.”
Bakugou walked around the greenette’s room judging all the All Might posters in distaste while crossing his arms before facing the nerd once again for another look at him. His eyes scan across his round freckled fair skin, his luscious dark green curled bangs shaping his face as his emerald jeweled eyes look down at his feet nervously, before looking away to the little shit’s action figures and notebooks on the shelves.
“ Actually I find it kind of cute ”, Shindo finally spoke up from the doorway of the room before turning around with a questionable smirk before ending off with,” For kids.. Might need to learn to grow up sooner or later, bud.” He soons exits the doorway down the hallway, some snickering being heard in the distance as he goes. Bakugou soon follows but not before knocking over a few action figures onto the mint green carpet before slamming his door closed as he exits.
Izuku sighs as he reorganizes his action figures before flopping on his bed, which seems to make him look small in comparison, as he grabs his phone from underneath his pillows. He switches to his contacts and clicks a number and holds the phone to his ear while biting his bottom lip as it rings before a glorious click to human interaction is heard.
The green little bunny sits up quickly in excitement at the monotone voice on the other side.
“ ShoSho! Hey I just wanted to talk for awhile ya know and maybe have another video call at night maybe? If that’s okay with you, its okay if you say no and-”
“ yes.” Despite sounding monotone, Izuku could sense a tinge of excitement which hinted that he wasn’t annoying him so he continued on.
An Hour Later...
“ Really? You now have bakugou, your middle school bully, as a brother?”
“ I KNOW RIGHT!?” Though it was soon followed by a loud thump from his wall on the other side of his room along with muffled yelling.
“Sorry kacchan…” He lowered his head as he rubbed the back of his neck before laying down on his back with the phone on speaker.
“ I wish I could be there with you but.. My sperm donor required me to train harder today or else I’ll be behind All” A slight groan could be barely heard and Izuku chuckles to himself, Todoroki’s ears perking up at the heavenly sound.
“Your dad is such an asshole ShoSho, hehe” He started giggling, the beautiful sound could beat windchimes on a sunny day Todoroki thought to himself, humming in agreement to the greenette as he leaned closer to his phone.
I wonder if I can save this as my ringtone’  The peppermint thought as he kept the phone near his ear as he did his homework for today. He huffs as he becomes stumped on a math question, catching the greenette’s attention.
“ What’s wrong ShoSho? Another math question getting ya stuck? Heh I can help again if you want, I’m your math tutor afterall.” Cheerfully getting up and heading to his desk after grabbing his special “ShoSho Little Helper” notebook, holding it triumphantly in the air as he did a heroic pose. Placing it down along with his red pen, Izuku sits down while opening the notebook to a new fresh page, ready to help like the good little bean he is.
“ Izuku… You're a lifesaver per usual, thank you again. I’ll get you a new All Might merch tomorrow.”
“ ShoShoo.. I keep telling you! I don’t need anymore merch, I have a decent amount and even then, I just want to help you, nothing in return needed except your happiness. Okay?”
“..Okay but we atleast go to the mall tomorrow and I won’t get you any merch, maybe something else. Deal?” He anticipates Izuku saying yes yet still feels nervous due to the new home situation the greenette has.
“Deal!! Now let’s get on with that math question! Plus Ultra!!” he raises his pen with a huge bright smile, probably being a bit too excited about homework than he should be, maybe Bakugou wasn’t too far off about him being a nerd..
“ Then we can talk shit about your dad more heh! He’s literally flaming trash..”
“ Yeah ShoSho?” He holds the phone closer to his ear, giving all attention to his best friend in the whole of Japan.
“Marry me.”

“SHOSHOO!!! We talked about thiiiis!?” His face was redder than a tomato as he dropped his phone on the desk as he swiftly covered his face with his hands. Curling in his seat like the flustered (maybe interested) bean that he is, He then waited to calm down before grabbing his phone again.
 "I'll talk to you later, bye ShoSho!"

"Bye Izu, and remember our hangout tomorrow okay?"

"Heh how could I forget, can't wait"



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