Chapter 2

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Rachel stopped short, stunned when a ceramic vase crushed on the wall above her head. A few broken pieces hit her harmlessly on the noggin.

"Why, you..." she was about to curse the man again when she suddenly saw his silver blazing eyes. His jaw thrust forward, he looked like a provoked rattler ready to nip her neck.

"You're lucky I missed," he said calmly. "Next time, I'll make sure I won't."

The wonderful fairytale prince aboard La Furia has a very bad temper, she thought. What a coincidence. The yacht suited the owner just fine.

"I... I just want to talk..." she stammered. "Please understand. I don't know how to get home. I'm sorry I trespassed. I really am. I may not have a choice but to stay here, but it would be hard for me. I have only one pair of extra underwear in my bag and I don't have anything else besides my flashlight and knife..."

When the man sensed that she was about to cry, his face softened. At least, she thought so.

He lifted a chair.

"No! Please!" Rachel shut her eyes ad raised her arms to stop the coming blow. But it didn't come. Instead, she felt him pushing both her shoulders down forcing her to sit on the chair.

"I'm not going to hit you, for Christ's sake!" I'm giving this for you to sit on!" He was obviously irritated.

Rachel felt like a fool. Still, she tried to relax and look at him as she sat in front of her with the table between them.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, but you know, I hate women who scream. Now talk. And don't yell at me."

Rachel fixed her eyes on his. She tried to plead by just looking.

"If you can't bring me home right away, I don't want to delay your trip either. Since it's my fault, I'll accept what's coming to me. Please, just tell me what my situation here will be."

The man stood and heaved a sigh. He tilted his head a bit and looked at her. His gaze seemed to reach her very soul.

"That's it. Ask nicely. You had it in you after all."

She just kept silent.

"I'm on an important trip. I'm going to an island, almost three weeks travel from here. This may vary depending on sea conditions. I won't make any stopovers because I just can't."


"My reasons are none of your concern," he snapped.

"So he also hates women who ask why", Rachel thought.

'Besides, having someone else in my yacht is the last thing I have in mind", he added.

She wanted to answer him back but she was afraid she might ruin her chances of going home.

"So, what are your plans for me?"

"Plans? None at all."

He didn't want to be bothered a bit. He's so irritating.

"I mean, do you have any ideas on what to do with me?"

He went back to his chair and yawned.

"In fact, I do. Thanks to my good-natured side, you are welcome to stay here in the meantime. You can ask me for anything you need, but things will be limited here. The moment I docked on my island destination, I'll let you find a boat to take you home... As you know, you've got no other options..."

Right. She's got no other options. No use blaming herself now. Besides, it's his prerogative not to get delayed.

She nodded.

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