Chapter 8

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"It's not normal for me to apologize. I don't do that because it won't undo my faults. I don't say sorry. I just find ways to make up for all the wrong I've done..." he explained.

"Do you understand?"

She swallowed and he could feel her entire body responded to the simple movement.

It didn't surprise him that she'd readily accepted his embrace because he realized how badly she needed comfort. Enough to snuggle into the arms of a bully like him.

"I'm doing this because right now, I can't think of any other ways to make up to you. But I still think what I did was right." His lips curved into a defensive pout.

"How could it be right?" She knotted her fingers on her lap, succumbing to the comfort he offered.

"You hurt me..."

David tightened his grip on her and searched her face. He was mas again. Why was he so sensitive?

"Hurt you?! I never laid a hand on you! I might have held you quite harshly before, but geez..." he shook his head in disbelief.

"Edward," she said gently, stroking a lock of hair dangling from his forehead. "There are many ways to hurt a person more than just laying a hand on him..."

As if suddenly waking up from a daydream, she stopped touching him and twisted the hem of her shirt instead. A sudden gust of wind rushed outside the cabin and rain pattered against the roof. Edward rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He kissed her hair, smelling the seawater in her. It felt good. He rubbed his cheeks tenderly against her temples, closing his eyes. He could go on like this forever.


"Hmmm?" she closed her eyes.

"Why do you trust me?"

"I don't trust you..." was her reply, then she snuggled closer to him and let herself fall asleep.

"Lo," a sleepy male voice boomed over the speakers.

"Nick? It's me," Edward guessed he must have awakened him.

"Who's me? I don't know any Me. Do you know what time is it? Shit!" The voice whined and groaned.

"It's Edward, come on, Nick, I need help," he pleaded.

"I'll be damned...Edward?! Where the hell are you?! Everybody's worried except Kate. You stupid idiot! Go home moron!"

"Can't. Dad will kill me."

"He couldn't. He's out of the country."

"He'd do it anyway. Nick, you really have to help me. The bloodhounds are getting closer."

"You saw them? How far?"

"Must be two miles now. I already coursed the archipelago in zigzag. They're in Dad's yacht, but it would be no match for La Furia. This baby won more than twenty racing competitions..." Edward chuckled.

Nick was flabbergasted.

"You put me to shame, cousin. You don't know who you're running away from. Don't you realize how serious this is? You're underestimating your dad!"

A strong wind rocketed the yacht. Edward fumbled on the console to stop the sudden static interruption.


"I'm still on'" he yawned.

"So far, I have seen only the yacht and eight of his best men. The most efficient and trustworthy men he has. Even my own dad is worried about you."

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