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[Medieval AU!]

"A masquerade ball?" Kanade slowly repeats her parents' words. "Really?"

"And we're actually allowed to go?" Hibiki asks skeptically. "No strings attached? No trying to set us up with random suitors?" Kanade snickers at the last part but a disapproving glare from her mother quickly shuts her up.

"Yes, you're allowed to go. Goodness, you're required to attend. Think of how embarrassing it would be if the two Otonokoji princesses were nowhere to be found the night of. Utterly shameful." Their father sighs and looks over his daughters with a tinge of disappointment in his eyes. "This ball is being held in order to keep our alliances strong, so it should be a joyful time for everyone," their father continues. "However, since that assassin is still on the loose, you must always be accompanied by someone else. Quite frankly, we don't care who you choose to have around you." He pauses before adding, "Never go off alone." His stern tone was enough to make the twins obey his wishes.

"Well, I would personally like it if you two were to find a nice prince to settle down with," their mother chirps. "We've invited so many wonderful boys, I'm sure you'll be able to find one you like." Their mother droned on about how potential marriages with different kingdoms would benefit their family, how it would be so nice for the girls to marry a good man and have children to carry on the bloodline...

The twins share an awkward glance at each other at the mention of suitors. They know full well there won't be any ladies to court. Either way, Kanade already has her eye on the new royal painter and Hibiki seems to have something for her knight.

The two waited patiently for her to finish her usual speech before Kanade spoke up once more. "Mother, is there a theme of the ball you would like us to ask the seamstress to cater to?"

"No, though I would request having dresses with color schemes that go together. You two will be making your debut together as per usual, so do not clash. And nothing too flashy; we don't want you looking like a buffoon, now do we?" The two are used to the harshness at this point.

"Of course, mother," the twins say in unison.

"That is all. You may take your leave," their father declares, motioning for them to leave.

"Thank you for allowing us to attend," they say with a small curtsy. They walk as calmly as they can out of the throne room, the large wooden doors of the throne room creaking as they open and shut. The two wait for a moment, making sure the door is securely closed and no one is around. When they're sure that the coast is clear, they begin squealing with joy.

"Sister! Can you believe we're really allowed to go?" Kanade asks, clearly excited by the prospect of attending a ball for their own enjoyment. The last time they were allowed to go to a sort of party was years ago. Perhaps when they were ten?

"I know, it's amazing! I never would have thought they'd allow us to actually go but- ah! I'm so excited!" she practically screams. Kanade quickly puts a hand over her mouth to muffle her excitement.

"Shhh, Biki!" The younger twin shushed. "Not so loud, our parents might hear." Hibiki nods and Kanade removes her hand.

"I suppose you're right. I definitely do not want our permission to attend revoked." She lets out a giddy laugh. "I'm just really excited."

"As am I. Oh! I should see if Iroha is attending."

"Tell me, do you have eyes for Miss Nijiue?" Hibiki teases. Kanade had been spending hours with the painter. If she was missing from her quarters, you could bet that she was somewhere with Iroha. Whether it be in the castle gardens or simply another room, the two were almost always together. Hibiki had a hunch that her sister liked her for these years, a thought that always disgusted her. But now that Iroha's here, her fears have all but disappeared.

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