Siren Song

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[Fantasy AU!]

a/n: HUGE thank you to @criticalerr0r for coming up with the poem! Seriously I am not a poet you are a lifesaver ueueue

Kokoro Mitsume sits alone in her office, leafing through her notes on a recent experiment. The notes are on how a siren's singing attracts sailors to their doom. Of course, the only information she has now is that a few sounds she picked out have similar effects of siren songs. Not that it was really getting her anywhere, but what could she do? It's not like she had a siren, and either way she wanted to find out how to prevent any more drownings. Not cause them. Definitely not mind control.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears footsteps approaching and then a soft knock on her door. The door creaks open and someone begins to walk toward her, though she doesn't bother to look up at who just entered. After all, she already knows who it is. The person stops in front of her desk and clears their throat.

"Miss Mitsume?" A male voice calls from over the polished oak desk.

"Sannoji." The psychologist nods at the boy standing in front of her. He clears his throat and pushes back his raven hair that's fallen in his eyes.

"There's been more reports of crashed ships; they think it's the same siren again," the man says as he pushes up his glasses. "There's a survivor that we want you to talk to. It would be great if you could visit him within the next few days, preferably today," he continues, sliding a profile of a well known pirate named Hajime Makunouchi. Kokoro raises an eyebrow at the prospect of a survivor. The siren attacks had been going on for months now with not a single person making it out of their ship's wreckage alive.

"Very well," she says, finally looking up at Mikado. "Please arrange a meeting with him as soon as possible. I would prefer for this to be around 6:00 PM." She pauses for a moment, as if thinking about anything else she'd like to add. "Before I speak to him, I would like to know how he survived. I'm aware that he has shark-like appendages, but how did that help him escape?"

"Ah, well you see! If you look at his profile it details that it's not just appendages," the hacker explains. "He also has shark-like instincts. Since his hearing isn't the best from all the canonfire and a prior disease, he swam away as soon as he sensed danger. He wasn't able to hear the siren's singing right away, so he was safe" Kokoro hums and looks back down at the profile he had given her. "I'm pretty sure the rest of his crew was already dead by the time he decided to save himself."

"Alright, thank you," she says. "You can leave now. Don't forget to schedule my meeting." Mikado nods and leaves the room without another word. Kokoro studies the files in front of her for a moment, looking over the pirate's abilities and history.

Born on December 26 and aged twenty four, Hajime Makunouchi is a pirate who steals for the right reasons. Taking riches from wealthy noble's ports, he is often compared to an aquatic version of Robin Hood. He's a hybrid of a shark and a human, presumably a variant of the merfolk species. He was diagnosed with an unknown and incurable disease at a very young age, being abandoned by his parents soon after. Even though he was on the brink of death, he recovered from this disease very suddenly. This was out of nowhere, the cause of his rapid recovery is still unknown. This is most likely why he became a pirate; to give back to people who were in the same situation as him.

Kokoro sighs as she peels off her co-worker's sticky notes about the luck deity, Utsuro. Mikado has been obsessing over the man for as long as she could remember. An interesting man, but not what she's trying to focus on. She grumbles to herself as she realizes Mikado has been writing on Hajime's file. She sticks the slightly unsettling notes onto a piece of paper that she'd give to the boy later. She'd have to lecture him about ruining her documents with his ramblings... or just make him promise he wouldn't mess with her work and keep his obsession with the deity in his own files. But enough about Utsuro. She hasn't finished reading Hajime's file yet.

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