Personal Hot Pack

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[slight NSFW themes! i'm so fucking sorry]

The Tower of Babel is quiet, save for the soft snoring of Iroha and Shinji. The only available light is the flickering glow of the candles mounted on the wall, which barely illuminates the pile of sleeping bodies nestled together. The remaining students had decided to sleep together to preserve warmth. Everyone was able to fall asleep slightly warmer than what they would've been alone, and in Sora and Yoruko's case, in the arms of their lovers.

Almost everyone has fallen asleep at this point, the only two still awake being Nikei and Mikado. Nikei's attempts to sleep are ruined by Mikado's constant whining. He's tried his best to ignore the wizard, but his whimpering makes it hard to ignore him.

"Nikeiiiii..." Mikado whines, tears flowing down his mask. "I k-know you're awake, c-come over h-here and cuddle with me." Nikei grumbles to himself and turns away from the blond, trying his best to tune out his incessant pestering.

"W-Well this is just c-cruel..." Mikado mumbles. A few moments pass before he speaks again. "I like the view though," he says with an innocent smile. Nikei shoots up and glares at the wizard.

"Sannoji," he begins as he starts walking towards the chained up wizard. "I would highly suggest not saying anything you'll regret." He leans down with a twisted smile on his face. "Hey, if we don't get out of here, you're the first to go. Maybe if we run out of food, we'll resort to eating you!" His voice is eerily chipper for such horrifying words.

"Ahaha... I'd love to d-devour you~" Mikado completely ignores Nikei's threats, instead opting to flirt with him.

"Wha- would you shut up?!" the journalist says. "I'm trying to threaten you here."

"Aw, well you're doing great, s-sweetheart," Mikado coos. "But please come here, I'm actually going to f-freeze."

"And why should I help you?" Nikei growls. "Especially after that comment." He walks closer, now standing directly over Mikado. Exactly where he wants him. Mikado swiftly kicks the back of Nikei's legs, causing him to yelp and fall onto him. He manages to catch himself before he falls onto the wizard below him.

"Oh my. I knew you loved me, but this?" Mikado chuckles. "You just can't keep away from me!"

"I should be mad, but that was smooth. You win," Nikei groans, giving up and laying on his boyfriend's chest. He looks up at him to ask, "Are my threats getting better at least?"

"Hell yes, that threat to eat my dead corpse sent shivers down my spine." Mikado shivers. "And it wasn't just the cold." Nikei hums and buries his face into his partner's neck. "You're warm," he murmurs. He can feel Nikei smile at him though doesn't reply.

Silence fills the room once more before Mikado inevitably starts talking again. "I don't like pretending to hate you," he sighs. Nikei raises his head, slightly annoyed by the noise. "Don't give me that look. I haven't been able to talk to you in private since the night of the party!"

"I don't like it either," he says as he props himself back up with his arms. "But it's better than letting them know that there's two masterminds, isn't it?" He lets out an evil giggle. "Think of the looks on their faces when they find out! Priceless, I'm sure."

"I truly am delighted that you agreed to work with me. Convincing you was a treat~" His teasing earns him a bop on the head with the journalist's hat.

"Now go to bed." His voice is muffled, but Mikado is able to tell what he's saying.

"Aw, you want to go to bed?" Mikado frowns. He tightly wraps his legs around his boyfriend. "I don't want to. I think we should do something more fun," he purrs. Nikei immediately props himself back up with his arms, recognizing that his legs are now intertwined with the wizard's.

"Mikado!" he whisper-yells. "Absolutely not! N-Not here! There's so many people, what are you thinking?!"

"I'm thinking that I want to have some fun with you!" he whines. "Pleaseeeee?"

"No!" Nikei says much louder than he intended to. He quickly covers his mouth with his hands, watching the pile of sleeping students on the other side of the room for movement. Yoruko stirs, but Sora pulls her closer into her arms to prevent her from waking up. The two breathe a sigh of relief and Nikei turns back to blond. Mikado lets go of his legs and Nikei quickly stands up.

"W-We can continue this later, when we get out of this tower," he whispers, readjusting his hat.

"Is that a promise?" Mikado asks, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Don't do that, you look stupid," he scoffs. "Goodnight, Sannoji." For once, Mikado doesn't shoot back with a witty response. He simply lays there and closes his eyes, looking happy. It's not the normal kind of "happy" he feels when he's ruining another student's life. It's genuine happiness.

Nikei sighs as he spins on his heel and rushes back to Mikado as quickly as he can without making too much noise. He lifts his chin up and kisses him softly. The journalist pulls back with a red face and avoids eye contact.

"Well that was a pleasant surprise," Mikado says with a grin on his mask.

"Yeah whatever," Nikei mutters. He quickly shrugs his trenchcoat off and lays it on the wizard to form a makeshift blanket. "Here. Now you won't freeze to death." He doesn't wait for a response before he whirls around and walks back toward the pile of humans to join them. If they asked why Mikado had his jacket, he'd just say that he wouldn't shut up unless he gave him something. In all fairness, it's not exactly a lie.

Nikei lays down slightly away from the pile so as not to disturb anyone. He lies facing away from Mikado to protect the facade of hate between the two. As he begins to drift off to sleep, he can hear the faint voice of Mikado, still chained up, but not as cold.

"Thank you, love."

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