0. Prologue

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A sudden gust of wind clawed at my clothes, dragging me from sleep's embrace, its icy tendrils prickling my skin.

The eerie absence of sound set an odd tone to this inexplicable awakening.

Surrounded by an abyss, a yawning chasm of nothingness unfolded—an endless expanse of sheer darkness, swallowing all sense of direction or purpose and then there was I.. just floating aimlessly.

The wind whispering without a sound, adding to my mounting bewilderment.A surge of panic were born in my chest.

Where was I? Was this even real?

My irritation erupted into a shout, echoed into the void. Ridiculous, but I couldn't shake off the unnerving sensation.

This place felt both alien and oddly familiar—like stepping into a dream I'd never dreamt before.

Faint echoes of laughter, fragments of conversations, snippets of forgotten faces danced at the periphery of my consciousness, elusive and fleeting.

I clung to those fragments, trying to piece together the fabric of my existence, but they slipped away... leaving me grasping at wisps of recollection.

Mornings blended into a haze—fleeting images of routine: bath, breakfast, train, work, groceries, and the inevitable collapse into bed.

But today it kinda felt... off,

Like a torn page in a forgotten book.

As consciousness dawned, I found myself seated in an unfamiliar room, its pristine white walls lending an eerie purity, with a solitary wooden chair as my only company.

With everything happening all at once, "IT" totally slipped my pain receptors.

Frustration surged, culminating in a pointed outburst directed into the empty void.

"Could someone toss me a proper seat, for heaven's sake!?"

....truly an absurd statement

(The chair for context)

(The chair for context)

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