Chapter Four: Let me help

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Toni's POV:

I don't remember falling asleep last night but I guess Betty and Cheryl helped. I slowly pulled myself out from the two girls who were currently underneath and on top of me. I look behind me to see Betty with her arms wrapped tight around my chest, I smiled. It reminder me of all the times I would have panic attacks in the middle of the night and she would always come down to help me.

I slowly looked down at my stomach where my beautiful girlfriend laid. I couldn't help but think about the feeling and dream I just had. Its like all the signs are in front of me but I don't know what to do with them.

I decided it was best to just get up and get changed. Alice and Betty keep some of my clothes here since I used to spend a lot of time around here when I was younger.

Once I got down showering and changing, I head back downstairs to where I'm met with Sweet, Fangs, Archie, Jug and Veronica all standing around a now wide awake Cheryl and a still recovering Betty. I knew she was super tired but she still smiled at me anyways. I gave her a small one back but it didn't reach my eyes which she seemed to notice.

Cheryl eventually turned around to see why everyone went quiet. When we made eye contact, she came over and pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel everything in me screaming for it, I needed it and I think everyone in the room knew that as well because soon everyone in the room came over and wrapped me in between them all. I could feel the tears form in my eyes but quickly hid my face in Cheryl's neck. She noticed and laid her head gently on mine. After a few minutes of all of us standing there, I pulled away and everyone got the hint to let me go. I slowly sat on the stairs as they all looked at me. I knew I had some explaining to do today but I wanted to do it in groups.

I pulled Cheryl and Betty to the side, "babe can you do me a favor? Let Josie, Ronnie, Archie and Kevin know what happened. What you choose to tell them about what I told you, is up to you. You already know how I feel and what I would say so please do that for me after we leave." She nodded and I turned to Betty, "I need you to come with me. Bring Sweet, Fangs, Jughead and Peaches. I need to tell FP but I don't think I'll be able to handle that on my own and its easier to just tell everyone at once. I'm going to head to the Wrym. I know he's there and waiting so please don't take to long."

Once everyone was on board with the plan, I left. I got on my bike and pulled off down the road. Everything in me was terrified about what FP was going to say or even do for that matter. I know he knows where my uncle is but he never would tell me. I guess I'll just have to find out today.

The drive didn't take nearly as long as I wanted it to. Before I knew it, I was pulling into the lot and parking. I waited a few minutes before heading inside, I smoked a cigarette while staring off into the sky. Nothing felt like it used to in this moment. I felt like this was going to be the longest year of my life and it's just starting.

About 2 cigarettes later, I could hear the boys bikes coming down the road. I finished what little bit was left as the parked. I could feel Betty and Jug's disappointed glares but they knew deep down I needed some relief before telling FP.

I was the first one to walk in. It was quiet and I could see FP sitting in the back, waiting. I knew make a single sound before sitting down in front of him. Betty and Jug sat on either side of me while Sweet and Fangs stood behind FP.

"So Toni, you have some explaining to do and why has Alice been calling me so upset that she could barely form words?" FP said softly. He knew whatever I had to say wasn't going to be something he wanted to hear but like Alice said I can't expect them to help me if I don't let them.

"Well yesterday, we all decided to go to Pop's for dinner. You know, traditional before our finally run. When me and Cheryl showed up, a small group of Ghouls were outside and started their shit. I wasn't letting it get to me at first but then Theo said something that triggered memories and anger that I had buried from my childhood..." I trailed off, Jug and Betty both grabbed one of my hands and squeezed gently to let me know it's ok.

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