part 2

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Beast boy sits on top of a building and takes his mask off.

"Man, why did I have to meet him in uniform. Ugh." He lays down and runs his hands through his hair. "This sucks." He changed out of his suit into street clothes and made his way down the backside of the building, away from unwanted eyes. Beast boy was just walking around and texting Cyborg, sending each other memes.

He mostly avoided people thanks to his senses, or they moved first. But only one person was not paying attention and his sense didn't tell him of any danger, so he collided with someone and fell on his back. So much for good reflexes too, although he did manage to keep his phone in his hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be texting and walking." He scrambled to get up and help the other person. He was met with the same black mask just a few minutes ago.  

"Ahh!" "Yeah sorry, crazy robin usually scares people." He shrugged. "Oh no, um. I wasn't expecting someone to be dressed like this." He scratched The back of his neck nervously. "Oh I look worse underneath, I wear this so people don't die from fright. Well, see ya, I'm off to find my soulmate."

He skips away and Garfield's (Beast boys real name) heart ached to watch him go. He didn't have time to think about it because sirens were going off and he ran into the ally to change again. With his sense telling him it was okay he started to change. "Oh, I had a feeling those beautiful seaweed eyes were my soulmates." Robin giggles to himself as he sat back from the edge of the roof. Then he followed the beast to watch him in action.

Police were in a high-speed chase with a man in the stolen car, to make matters worse there was a child in the backseat. Beast boy lands on top of the car and looks through the window. "Hey man, the baby taxi isn't a good job for you" 'Shit." He looks to see the kid, who was somehow still sleeping. "Stop the car now." Beast boy ordered.

"Piss off freak." He swerves trying to shake him off just missing a large truck. Beast boy shapes into a spider and shoots webs and sticks the ends to the ground. The tires screech as he continued to push to the pedal going nowhere. More webs cover the tires. putting an end to the loud sound they were making.

The man made a last attempt at running on foot, got 10 feet from the car and webs covered him and he fell to the ground. Police took care of him and the kid finally woke up with a cry and beast boy went to help him.

"Hey, buddy it's okay, don't cry." He reunited him with his mother and cheers could be heard around him. "Thank you, beast boy." "Just helping out." He gives a wave and flies away.

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