Fake boyfriend{Karlnap} 🌻

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Sapnap POV

Karl and me had always been friends. Since the first day of this school. When I joined. When he came up to me. When he asked if I wanted to sit at his lunch table.

We are best friends.

But recently, I've been feeling something... different.

Whenever we speak, I get nervous. Normally, I don't, but like I say, I've been feeling different.

Whenever he compliments me, I get flustered.

Whenever our hands touch, I get butterflies.

I don't know what this feeling is.

Just then, breaking my train of thought, there was a knock on my door.

"Nick! It's for you!" My mom yelled.

I knew it was Karl. He always comes round at eight.

"Coming!" I shouted back, grabbed my bag and ran down to greet Karl.

"Bye mom!" With that, I closed the door and met Karl.

"Hey nick!" He smiled, god I love his smile.

"Hey Karl, ready to walk?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, after school, would you mind coming to dinner with me? I maybe have said to my mom that we were together. It's ok if your uncomfortable with it." My eyes were wide.

We had both came out as bi a year ago, and ever since, I feel like I was falling for him, but I pushed those to the side.

"Oh, sure!" I agreed to being his fake boyfriend.

"Obviously, it wouldn't mean anything, after, we could just say we broke up or something." It pained me to hear that it wouldn't mean anything.

I wanted it to mean something.

"Yeah, of course." We began to walk to school.

The hours slouched by, until the last bell of the day rang.

I texted my mom to tell her I was at Karls.

Then, I spotted Karl patiently waiting outside in all his beauty.

"Hello!" He greeted.

"Hi." I nervously laughed.

"Can we go?" He asked, I said yes and we were on our way.

When we arrived, Karl opened the door. Inside was what I thought was his grandma and grandpa, mum, dad, sister, brother and some other siblings.

"Hey kiddo!" His grandpa hugged him and ruffled up his hair, "This must be the boy that you won't stop banging on about." Karl looked away and, blushed?

He talked about me? No. Surely not, don't get you hopes up.

"Hello sir, I'm Nick." I opened my hand to shake his hand, which he a accepted. I was taught to grip quite tight when shaking someone's hand, that's why mine are good and firm.

"Good handshake young lad, Karl, I like this kid." Karl giggled nervously.

"Sweetie!" His grandma came through the double doors that lead to the kitchen.

"Hey Grandma!" They hugged and her and I exchanged nods and smiles.

Once we sat down, his family asked lots of questions.


After dinner, Karl walked me home.

We stopped outside a coffee shop.

He looked at me and back at the café.

"Wanna grab a coffee?" He asked, I responded with a nod and we headed in.

"What would you too lovely boys like?" The old woman behind the counter asked.

"Two hot chocolates?" I questioned, wanting to make sure that's what he wanted. After all, we have known each other for a while.

"Of course!" He answered and we sat down.

"Thank you for coming tonight." He said.

"My pleasure. I enjoyed being your boyfriend." The words spilled out of my mouth before I got chance to think about it.

"You- you enjoyed it?" I looked up and back down in shame.

"I- not like that, it was nice to meet you family, not like dating." I confirmed. Half of it was true.

He looked quite, sad.

"Oh, yea of course. I need to use the rest room." He said and slid out the booth.

It had been about ten minutes and he still hadn't come out, I was starting to get worried.

Did I do something wrong?

I walked over to the toilet.

There was faint sniffling coming from the second stall.

"Karl?" I whispered.

"Sap- sapnap?" The quiet voice said, I knew it was Karl.

"Can I come in?" I knocked.

"Yeah, give me a second." He opened the door.

His eyes were red, so was his nose.

"Have you been crying?" I wondered aloud.

"No! It's fine, can we just go?" He tried to get through, but I stopped him.

"Karl tell me the truth." I demanded.

"Fine, yes, I have been crying."

"Why, and tell me the truth." He looked away.

"I asked you to come with me because I am in love with you, but CLEARLY the feelings aren't mutual. So yeah sapnap, I have been crying because I'm in love with my best friend." He confessed.

I was taken back. He never spoke like this before, it was always calming and soothing.

"Goodbye Nick." He made his way through my arms.

"Karl wait!" I yelled. He did not though, so I did the first thing that came to mind: I grabbed his arm, pulled him back and kissed his lips.

Once we broke apart, he looked up at me.

"Wh- what was that?" My eyes started tearing up, but I brushed it away.

"My feelings." It was true. I love him.

"You like me?" I smiled.

"No Karl, I love you, I have for ages now." It was real.

"I love you too sap, I just didn't think that I would admit it in a cafe toilet." He joked, I laughed and we walked out, hand in hand.

950 WORDS!

I'm trying to write more than 500 words for these :]

make sure you




i love you!


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