‣ who's that girl

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ok so i'm watching new girl rn and i just realized how much i fucking hate jess. like she kissed nick while she had a bf, sam, and then dumped sam, got with nick, then broke up with nick, then got with sam again. like what the fuck. you cheated on him and had the fucking audacity to get back with him???

also sam have some fucking self respect. she fucking cheated on you why the hell would you get back together with her like wtf. it's making me so fuckign mad.

like how can he trust her after that. i could never go back to a cheating piece of shit.

anyways i googled it and thank god they break up and sam realizes he's in love with his childhood friend. yay sam.

fuck you jess ur annoying af.

i think i feel so strongly towards jess rn cause i found out that zooey deschanel was a bitch to everyone and a diva on set and not a rlly nice person. now i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me hate jess.

ehh whatever she's still rlly annoying. i just had better tolerance when i didn't know zooey was a bitch.

also i'm sorry nick but sam is hotter than u. like jess wtf why would you choose nick over sam??

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