Jan 6: To Se-ri

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Another letter from Captain Ri to his beloved Se-ri. :) Hope you'll like it. Some interesting letters are in progress. Would try posting as and when I find time. 


Jan 6

North Korean Military Outpost, DMZ 

My lovely Se-ri,

Last night there was a minor skirmish on the DMZ. There were some smugglers trying to bring in contraband goods from the South to the North, but were caught in action by the Southern command.

As soon as we heard it, we dashed off in the direction, a naïve and foolish part of me wondering if it was you who'd come back. I saw faces of my team, including Pyo Chi Su fall as we reached the combat zone. Perhaps a silly part of them was hoping for a miracle as well. Maybe they too wanted you to fall right from the skies into my arms again.

At the combat zone, we learnt that the smugglers were armed. The South had held them captive and only when I assured them that we will take action and get them to our country's State Security Department that they let go.

However, the moment they started the handover, one of the dacoits darted at a gun that'd fallen to the ground. There was minor firing among both sides as we tried to reign in the smugglers.

As we handed them over to the State Security department this morning, I kept wondering what would have happened if I had held you captive and brought you to this place. I shudder to think of the consequences, and you being executed is not even the worst scenario that comes to mind. What if your accident had been a day later when the Company six captain had been on duty?

Se-ri, I'm just glad I was the one who found you, even if it was for a brief while. Even when my heart was shred in pieces when you left, I'd be eternally grateful that you are alive and happy.

And just so you know, I suffered a small gash on my back during the scuffle. But don't worry. I am fine. 

Loving you, even from afar


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