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(Bridget POV

I was awoken the next morning by an aggressive banging on my front door. I checked the clock on my nightstand. It was a little after five in the morning. Who in the world was knocking this early in the morning?

As I walked over to the the door, the person knocking started banging louder. 

"For God's sake what?" I said annoyed as I threw open the door. 

Standing there was a police officer. 

"Erm sorry." I said.

"Bridget Westfall?" She asked.

I nodded.

"You're acquainted with Francesca Doyle?"

"Yes she's one of my clients. I'm a psychologist. Is she alright?"

I swear to god if she went and fucking killed Ferguson...

"So she's not here?" The officer asked me.

I stared at her, genuinely confused.

"What? No. She's in prison-"

"She escaped early this morning."

My eyes widened.

Franky Doyle what the fuck have you done?

"Well she's not here." I told her.

"Care if I check?"

"Yes I do care. There's no reason for you to think she's here."

"Fine. But I'll be back."

"Sure." I sad, before shutting the door.

I walked over to the TV and turned on the news. Franky's face was the headline. It said she escaped with Ferguson but that made no sense.

I stood in front of the TV for a better part of an hour watching the news. I prayed that whatever her plan was worked. If she gets caught she might not get out of prison for a good long time.

I far so transfixed with the TV that I guess I tuned out the rest of the world. I heard footsteps behind me and yelped, turning around.

Franky stood in front of me, dressed in all black and looking as beautiful as ever.

"Baby..." I started to say before she rushed over to me. I embraced her and she sunk into me. I relished how good she felt in my arms and I never wanted to let her go. Then I snapped back to reality.

"Franky what the fuck!" I hissed, pulling away.

"I had to escape Gidge. I have to prove I'm innocent."

"Well what do you think I was doing?" I said angrily. "Franky I hired lawyers and-"

"Gidge no offense but they were shit. They wouldn't have been able to help. They had too much evidence against me. It looked bad. I have to do this."

"Well then what's your plan now? And where the hell is Ferguson? Why would you escape together."

"I don't know. I was supposed to escape with Allie. I don't know how Ferguson ended up in there. But I haven't seen her. Now I have to find Armad."

"Let me go with you." I said quietly.

"No Gidge. I can't pull you into this. I only came here because I had to see you."

I sighed. I really wanted to be mad at her but I couldn't. Instead I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Please just be careful." I begged her.

Just then there was a knock on the door.


By the time I got the police to leave Franky had already slipped out the back door. I had no choice but to simply wait to hear or see from her. I sat watching the news. I kept the news on all day and listened to it as I did all my tasks around the house. I just needed to make sure I didn't see any headline that she was found.

A few hours passed. I was sitting down at the table filling out a report when the phone rang. It was an unknown number.

Please be Franky...

"Hello?" I asked into it.


I recognized Franky's voice immediately. I couldn't immediately tell something was off. Something was wrong but I was afraid to ask what.

"I need your help." She said in a strained voice. "I've been shot."

My heart froze. It took me a second to get my fleeting thoughts together.

"What?" I gasped. "Who? How..."

"By the police. But I got away. I'm in a bathroom. Please hurry."

I got the address off her and hopped in my car. I could feel myself shaking as I drove to her.

"I've been shot.'

That sentence rolled around over and over in my head. Shot. She'd been shot.

Somehow I made it to the gas station she was and ran to the bathroom. I was dreading what I would see what I walked through my door.

She was on the floor. She looked up at me and tried to smile.

"Hi beautiful." She managed to force out.

It suddenly occured to me that I should've grabbed some medical stuff. But I was too focused on getting to her and making sure she was okay that I wasn't thinking of anything else.

I traced her face with my fingers, just glad to find her alive. I told myself right then and there that I wasn't going to let her die. I was going to do whatever I could to help her prove her innocence so she could come back home. I couldn't live without her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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