Lay Low

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Sorry it's been so long guys. My mental health has really been affecting me lately. But I'm back for now!

(Franky's POV)

I needed to find a way out of here. There was no way I could prove my innocence from inside the prison walls. Prison felt very different this time around. Maybe because it was because this time, I was accident. Or maybe I just missed Gidge. It was so hard being apart from her. It was even harder pretending we weren't together when I finally do get to see her. She still made every excuse she could think of to see me, but it just wasn't enough. 

It was nice seeing Ferguson on the other side of the bars though. Being back inside, it would be so easy to think of ways to torture the bitch, especially to avenge Red, but I couldn't risk getting any more time here. I needed to get out of here as soon as I could. It didn't help that Boomer was trying to recruit me back as top dog since apparently Kaz has been having problems. I just had more important things to think about. 

And oh my god Kim was getting on my fucking nerve. She was so excited that I came back because she had the delusion that we would rekindle our past...whatever the fuck it was. Obviously I declined her advances, but she was still pissed. She got over trying to get Gidge fired thankfully, but she kept bringing her up. It was fucking annoying and I didn't have time for petty drama. 

I didn't tell Gidge, but I was secretly trying to find different ways to escape, which turned out to be a lot harder than I thought. None of the vents led to outside, so that was a no go.

I was really hoping Fudge wouldn't catch on to my escape plan. She would be beyond pissed. So I just had to lay low for now.

I'm sorry it's so short guys but I have NO idea where to go with this story. If you have any suggestions PLEASE let me know. If you want Gidge to join Franky in prison, if you want Franky to kill the Freak, if you want anything to happen, if you have ANY ideas let me know!!

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