That's An Order (Y/N) x Ivan

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"I'll give you a reason to be on my desk if you don't remove yourself from it this instant. I'm not playing this time. Get. Down." Agent (Y/N) strikes again. Captain Medvedev has frankly had enough of their shenanigans.

"Oh, darling, your eye has gotten worse," Y/N)'s (H/C) hair draped promiscuously over their shoulders as they leaned into the captain, their knees pressing into the stacks of paperwork that was previously the captain's focus. They continued with a lingering look at his mask, "You should get that checked out." They grabbed his face with a tempting force, illuminating it in what little light the window had to offer behind him. He jerked away, his scarred and burned face obscured again by the insidious darkness of the room.

"Unhand me, harlot." He swatted at them but they merely flinched at the movement and returned to their rather provocative haunch-sitting position atop the mound of paperwork.

"You're destroying m-"

"Harlot? I thought I was one of your faithful soldiers," they lithed, twirling a strand of hair in their fingers. Despite how dank and outright deteriorating the room was, their attitude did not change.

"Get the hell off of my desk, (Y/N)." he stomped his boot beneath the desk as if to scare them.

"I thought you were going to give me a reason to be here.." They sniggered. A simple perk of the corner of their lips made the captain livid; angry they thought they had leverage over him; angry that they KNEW they did.

"You've pissed me off enough, get the fuck out of my office." He crossed one leg over the other and crossed his arms, "You're doing nothing but digging yourself a massive hole you can't escape from."

His eyes glared into (Y/N)'s with nothing but the pupil now. A mildly visible iris, jabbed lasers into their skin, raising hairs that prickled the air around them. Their toothy grin widened like a maniac.

"(Y/N), stop it at once. That is an order." He stood up from his chair, nearly throwing it behind him in the motion.

"Oh Captain..." (Y/N) stood up on their knees, meeting him at eye-level on his desk, then twiddled with the shiny buckle on his belt.

"You're reaching dangerous territory, Agent," Captain Medvedev gulped cautiously, and raised his hands to remove theirs. A mild stutter peeked into his typically collected voice and thick accent, granting a rush of power to (Y/N) they didn't deserve.

"Ah ah ah-" They abruptly gripped the belt, wrapping their lengthy fingers around the leather like a death grip, and yanked him closer to them. Their faces were mere inches apart, their hips closer, and the captain's chest heaved with more than frustration. His eyes on the other hand, betrayed a different emotion. The air shifted with that single movement. The Captain's infidelity to himself and others was his greatest weakness to exploit.

"Now shut up," their smile pooled into a seductive simper.

"You're in trouble."

"Shut up," their teeth clamped down gently on the cloth that covered Medvedev's lower face and nose and pulled it beneath his bottom lip.

"I could demote you, little one," his lips were crooked as if he went drunk, and a pathetic giggle bubbled from between his lips. From theirs, however, a more dark and alluring murmur resounded like thunder on a cloudy day--signs of a storm approaching.

"I think we've established that I do not answer to you, Ivan."


The Captain's fingers flirted with the belt on their trousers as (Y/N) pressed the curves of their body against him. (Y/N)'s arms slithered around the Captain's neck, coiling like a python around it's prey.

"Be good for me for a little while," Their eyes flashed in the shifting light from behind the blinds of the window, "and that's an order, soldier."

pI NC H E-

Okay I'm sorry if this fucking sucked ass omg. This is hard- I'll be taking requests but only on the introduction page. Anywhere else, I'll ignore it. I'M SORRY IT SUCKS OH MY GOOOOODDDDD IT COULD BE BETTER I'M SORRY IT'S S H I T U GH. IM NOT FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS HERE YOU'LL SEE ONCE I POST MORE STORIES THAT THIS IS PROBABLY THE WORST.

Shsnshjshshsbsjsb anyway lmao just take this for now while I fix up something better.

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