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JulzLovDraco4Eva  Thank you for another amazing idea, you have such wonderful scenarios spinning around in your head. Thank you for trusting me with these ideas. Enjoy!!

You loved Draco, you had been drawn to him since the moment you first saw each other on the train that fateful day

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You loved Draco, you had been drawn to him since the moment you first saw each other on the train that fateful day.
You were walking with your new friend, Hermione Granger, trying to help a boy find his lost toad. Poking your head into the next compartment, your eyes met with the cold gray eyes of Draco Malfoy.
And dare he say it, he was drawn to you too.

Neither of you realized your feelings until your second year, Draco realized after you had been paralyzed by the basilisk, you being a muggle-born and all, and you when the first person to see you after being cured, was none other than the infamous Malfoy boy.
"L/N, it's good to see you back."

"It's good to be back."

"I, uh, missed seeing you in class, it was nice having someone on the same level as me."

"Well, I hope you didn't get to bored without me."
That was the first time anyone saw a true, genuine smile from Draco Malfoy.

You didn't get together in a Sirius (sorry not sorry) relationship until the third year, right after the whole incident with Buckbeak. You two had been hanging out much more often, as his temporary caretaker, by his request.
"How are you feeling today Draco?"

"Better, though my arm still hurts like bloody hell."

"Draco, it was just a scratch."

Even after being in a secret relationship for a while, you still hadn't shared a kiss until 5th year.
You and Draco were sitting together near the Black Lake. The water was calm, the wind was blowing, and the stars shone the brightest that either of you had ever seen. Draco peeked over at you in the light of the full moon. Feeling his eyes on you, you turned towards him, the distance between you two almost nonexistent. Slowly, like a compass is pulled towards the north, your faces leaned forward and met in an explosion of sparks and bliss. One simple thought was going through both of your minds in that 6 second long fantasy.

"This is perfect"
But alas, it was not to last long. By the 6th year, the wizarding world was in chaos. Harry became obsessed with the idea that Draco was a death eater, and that he was selling information to his family, and by using the Marauders map, it was finally revealed what Draco had truly been hiding.

"Oh! Hey Harry!"

"What were you doing with Malfoy in the astronomy tower last night?"

"Uh- studying?"

"No! You were far to close the be studying! What aren't you telling me Y/N?!"
And things have never been the same since. Harry became more distant, Ron refused to even look in your direction, even Hermione stopped talking to you! Draco was all you had left, and even he seemed to be to busy at the moment.
"Draco? Can we talk?"

"Not now N/N, I'm working on something."

"Oh, when you're done then?"

"Yeah, sure."

"... Okay...."
The 2nd Wizarding war was starting, and you were completely, and entirely, alone. No friends, no family, and no boyfriend, no one understood, or so you thought.

Draco was afraid, the 2nd Wizarding war was starting, and he was completely, and entirely alone. He fear how you would react to what his family had him doing, he fear what his family would do to you if they found out. Pushing you away seemed the only option, but pulling you close was all he wanted in that moment.
But his father would ever allow it, HE would never allow it, and Draco couldn't bare to think what would happen if they got ahold of you.

"Yes Mum."

"You've been summoned to the dining room, please do hurry."
Draco heard the slight crack in his mother's voice, she was scared. What had happened, had father been hurt? No, if it were father than Draco wouldn't be summoned. It wasn't until Draco walked through the dark doors of the dining hall was his greatest fear realized.

"So, you know this girl Draco?"

"Of course, she attends Hogwarts as well-"

"DON'T... lie to me boy. We all know that there is something more going on here."

Draco looked upon your unconscious self and knew, no matter the punishment, he had to get you out of there.
That was years ago, now you and your husband are standing on platform 9 3/4 hugging your little boy until he complained about how he couldn't breathe. Your husbands arm snaked around your waist as you watched your son climb onto the train, he looked back towards you, fear underlying his eyes. You gave him a small smile, and whispered the first words of comfort that came to mind.

"Have fun, Scorpius Malfoy."

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