Ken Is Back From West Virginia

14 3 19

Thomas St

Middletown, Connecticut

Steven: *watching Bob's Burgers*

Emma: *hears knocking* I think Ken's back.

Steven: *gets up, and opens the door* Ken!! You're back!

Ken: Hey, guys! I made it back!

Steven: Great! I missed you!

Ken: I missed you too, Steven! *puts his suitcase down*

Steven: So, how did everything go down in West Virginia?

Ken: Ray's sister is very weak.

Steven: Oh dear.

Emma: I don't really care, to be honest.

Ken: Emma, watch your mouth!

Emma: I don't have to! I don't even know her, so why should I care?

Steven: Emma, she is ill! You should care! So what, if you don't know her? You should at least keep her in your thoughts!

Ken: Exactly!

Steven: So, what happens from here?

Ken: Not much to say, I guess. She isn't getting any better. The doctors are trying the best they can. All Ray can do is hope and pray.

Steven: Exactly. Do you really think you will have to take Ray to WV again, in case you know what may happen?

Ken: In all honesty, I might. As much as I hate to say it, she may be to taken to hospice care soon.

Steven: How would you know?

Ken: Ray would call me. This is a time that he has to be thinking of his sister. Again, as much as I hate to say it, she may not make it.

Steven: Yikes. It's like hearing a piano chord.

Ken: That's how serious it is. Now, I gotta unpack my suitcase, real quick. And, get some sleep. I'm exhausted from the ride. Thank God I made it back home, though.

Steven: That's right.

Emma: Pfft.

Steven: Huh?

Emma: Nothing.

This story was written on Sunday, May 23rd, 2021.

A/N Well, Ken made it back home safely from West Virginia. Do you think Ray's sister will beat the cancer, or do you think she may be put in hospice? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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