4. Keep Your Word

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"Sir," Jungkook calls out "it's time."

I face the curtain separating me from the future. The moment they see me....the moment I speak....I'll never be able to leave this place.

Not that I could anyway.

I give my staff a nod and the sunlight falls against my skin. I force a soft smile, stepping out with a false sense of pride and power that I never wanted. The people cheer, some crying for reasons I'm unaware, and some focused as if they are trying to pick apart my body language. I've trained too long to show an ounce of weakness.

That's why I couldn't let that photo get out.

"Prince Kim!" A woman yells to my left but my eyes remain ahead directly at the camera.

"Thank you all for coming today. My family and I are truly touched by how many of you have donated and raised over the past few years." I watch as a few faces become dulled by my speech. I don't want anyone to look at me like that. "Times have been hard. Not just for those who are ill, but for those who are working everyday and still can't make ends meet."

Their faces change.

"I see all of you. Individually and not just a statistic. I hear your cries. I hear your hearts. Today may be about illness...but tomorrow is for you."

Clapping fills the air. Cheering and whistles floor my ears as I keep a humble grin, nodding to those who finally felt heard. I glance over to a camera crew who had already began to disassemble their equipment and I focus my attention back to the crowd with a final wave before heading back behind the curtain.

"What was that??" My mother asks immediately. "Improv?? We told you to thank them and go!"

"They're people, mother. Our people. We need to be a voice for everyone, not just the dying ones."

"Be a voi- have you lost your mind?? Do you understand the more you say the more it can be deciphered into something else??"

I shake my head. "I spoke from my heart."

Her eyes drop in disbelief as she turns and walks away from me. I see Jungkook from my peripheral and sigh.

"How was it?"

"It was good sir..." His voice hesitant and withholding.

"Jungkook. Tell me."

He seems pained to respond but does what I asked of him. "You inadvertently acknowledged the low income community during an event that they contributed to...meaning...you addressed that they are poor but you're happy they gave their money to you."

My eyes widen. "But I meant-wait! I just...."

All I had to say was thank you.

All I had to say was thank you.

I shake the thought from my head and walk towards the back exit towards the garden again, looking over at the spot where my picture was taken. Hopefully that will improve things with my image.

Look at me, worried about my image.

"Jungkook." I say monotoned and he steps in front of me to my call. "That girl...the one who blackmailed me...get in any intel you can on her, I want to keep tabs."

"Yes sir."

The crazy thing is even blackmail didn't phase me. I almost wanted everything to come crashing down so I could finally end this tyranny. But the thought of anyone worse stepping in and dictating the country scared me more than surrendering my life and sanity for them.

I was born into this. Taught from a young age to lead and forced to become a slave to discipline and etiquette. Some might scold me for those words but it's the truth of my feelings.

I was never allowed to play. Never spoke to anyone outside of staff or my family. Never allowed to leave the grounds or visit another place. I've been confined to the role all of my life. Jungkook is the only person I trust and the closest thing to a friend and ally that I have.

Prince Seokjin is a mask to the real person on the inside.

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice not throwing myself off the balcony all those years ago.

It still crosses my mind.

"Sir..." Jungkook clears his throat and I blink, realizing we have made it back to my room.

My personalized prison cell.

"Good work today. I appreciate your efforts." I nod to him and his hands raise to close the doors. As soon as they shut my shoulders fall along with my heart.

But unlike the fairytale books no one comes to rescue me from my castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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