2. Caught

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I can hear him coming up the stairs. No matter how quiet he is or sneaky he tries to be, I always hear him.

"You're late." I say when I know he's reached my doorway. A defeated sigh leaves his lips as he enters my room.

"Mr. Kim asked me to check the premises again." I turn my head to face him and smirk ironically.

"My father asked you to check? I'm assuming he doesn't know that you do whatever I say regardless of what he says, right?" He shakes his head at me and stands in place professionally. I tap the chair beside me softly. "You can sit, Jungkook. He can't see you up here, you don't have to be so formal with me."

He takes a seat beside me and gestures his chin towards the iPad in my hand. "Whats that?"

"Its the blueprint for the tunnel system under the event tomorrow." I say handing over the plans. Jungkook looks it over thoroughly before handing it back to me.

"Why do you need this?"

"I finally convinced my parents to let me leave the grounds...if I can get out-"

"You want to leave?? Why??" He blurts and I quickly cover his mouth and shush him.

"Lower your voice! Just because they can't see you doesn't mean they can't hear you!" I quietly yell. I look around, listening for anyone nearby and exhale in relief. "Do you know what its like being royalty? Being the only heir to an entire empire? I'm almost thirty...they are expecting me to conform to their rules and rule an entire country. I don't want that. I want to be normal...I want to be able to leave when I want...to eat what I want....to...meet people."

"Why don't you just earn their trust little by little and gain more freedom? You can't just abandon the country...everyone's counting on you...not just your parents. You're the prince of Korea, Seokjin."

I look at the blueprints with tears lingering but I blink them away, nodding. "Right...it's silly, really. I know I can't just run away..."

Jungkook's head drops in relief. I can see he truly cares about keeping me focused on more important things rather than my own personal fantasies. He's right though. Korea is counting on me to be their ruler soon and without me, I'm not sure what might happen. There's no other heir. Just me.

"Besides...you have to marry sometime, right? You won't be alone forever." Jungkook smiles. I nod softly.

"But I won't get to choose my wife. It'll be someone my parents line up for me. I just hope she's not like them and try to control me." I can see the sympathy in his eyes and I shake my head. "Listen...I know you're concerned I'll make a run for it tomorrow but I won't. I know my duty is to this country and not myself."

"I hope so."


I don't understand why my family organizes fundraisers like these. Of course the cause is good, but they spend so much money on the event itself and looking lavish that they waste money while asking outsiders for money. I wish they would just contribute to the actual cause itself.

"Everything's almost ready for your appearance." One of my fathers many assistants calls out to me. I look over to Jungkook who has been standing in the same place for a few hours.

"It can wait." I say to her while walking over to him and stop at a food table. I grab a few items and take them to my bodyguard. He looks at me confused before I gesture for him to take the plate of food. "You should eat. The event will take a while."

"We don't have time to eat." He replies but I just softly chuckle at him.

"Prince's orders. Eat. And go sit. They can't start without me anyways." He nods, thanking me and takes a seat where our employees sit quietly. Everyone watches but do not dare to speak of it. One of the only things I actually like about being a Prince is that no one can question me. No one but Jungkook, but that's because I let him. I need him to. With everyone always bowing at my feet, its nice to have someone to keep me humble....unlike my parents.

I see the crowd from where I stand and I can't help myself. With Jungkook distracted momentarily, I take a few steps back to peek around the bushes. The news cameras are waiting for me. The public have signs and flags to welcome my arrival and I smile...until I see a sign that stops my heart cold.


I gulp. What if they ask me this? Do I lie? No...a prince can't lie. But...the truth...the truth is worse than a lie. Panic sets in my heart. I glance around the bush to see Jungkook still eating and my entire staff preoccupied with the event that I have an opportunity to bolt.

And I do.

I rush down the garden area, with no real plan, my eyes wander everywhere trying to remember the blueprints. I recognize a building but just as my feet turn to change direction, I crash into a hard chest. Jungkook's gaze on me is confusion and disappointment.

"You said you wouldn't run.." he says sadly and I exhale ashamed.

"I wasn't going to...I just..." my voice strains and my bodyguard of three years breaks a golden rule of physical contact. He grips my shoulders, pulling me into his chest again and hugs me tightly.

"Hyung..." he says informally, "I'm here for you."

I close my eyes, allowing myself to relax and return his hug. My arms wrap around his lower torso, feeling someone show me compassion for once in my life. It's a feeling I welcome until I open my eyes in time to see the reflection of a lens pointed at us just across the garden. My eyes widen as I push Jungkook away. He gasps confused at my sudden shove.

"S-Sorry sir..."

"Jungkook." I deadpan. "Camera."

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