1. Do Your Job

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It's in. Another article in the magazine with my name and photo printed underneath. I should be proud. Should be—but I'm not. Because where the words that took me twelve hours to write and perfect instead reads someone else's summary of my hard thought out article that had nothing to do with the photo.

"What the hell is this?" I growl at my coworker who is stares back at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She blinks and I immediately stand up and stomp into my bosses office. He doesn't seem surprised by my sudden entry, instead looking expectant and annoyed.

"This isn't what I wrote." I throw the magazine on his desk with a scowl. He sighs at me, closing the page back to the cover and points to the name and celebrity on the front.

"Is this your photo?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "Exactly. It's Hoseoks. Hoseok's photos are usually front page, why is that?"

"Hoseok lies in his articles!" I defend.

"Your articles are boring. Plain and simple. Thats why you're page twenty three. I don't care about the facts, Y/N. I care about selling magazines."

"That's immoral."

"I don't pay you to have morals. If you want to be honest, do that on your own time." He sighs before standing and closing the door behind me so that our conversation can't be heard by others. "Listen...I know you aren't a gossip columnist. I get it. But you and I both know between you and Hoseok who is more likely to get closer access to these people. I need you to be a team player and really step it up here."


He shooshes me with his finger before looking around the room. "What I'm about to tell you stays between us okay?"

My eyes widen as I push his hand away. "Are you hitting on me??"

"What?? No!" He backs away quickly. "I mean I have a lead for a story...but no one else knows about this. I'm trusting you with this and maybe....maybe you could be the cover for next months story."

"Are you serious??" I gasp and he nods.

"But it's top secret, Y/N. I'm talking biggest story yet." My gut turns at that. Me? Getting credit for the biggest story since our magazine launched three years ago?

"What's the story?"

"Prince Kim."

The pull in my gut only strengthens when I hear that name. The Kim Palace is that of fairy tales, with the exception of every employee having extensive background checks and put through months and even sometimes years of training to even be considered to work there. From what the public knows about them, they are incredibly secretive and quiet.

"How? I mean...how would I even get a photo of him?"

"Lucky for you, he's going to be at a benefit event for childhood cancer." He smiles but I lift my brow.

"Why this one? He didn't attend the last two."

Namjoon taps my nose with his index finger with a proud grin. "Now you're getting it."

Excitement and curiosity fill my thoughts as my eyes light up in front of him. The opportunity is once in a lifetime and somehow it was given to me. I jump into his chest with a tight appreciative hug that makes him groan. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I won't let you down!!"

"Just...do your job." He exales against my ear as I let go. "Don't become too invested with the facts...if you get a good picture, we can use it." I nod happily before rushing out of the office and back to my desk to begin researching all I can about the event.


"What are you doing?" I hear to my left and don't bother to look over. I recognize the voice all too well.

"Research." I reply flatly.

"Ah." He chuckles. "Figures." I continue to look at my screen until I see his face come closer out of the corner of my eye to look at the webpage. "Are you covering the cancer benefit this year?"

"Namjoon asked me to."

"That'll be good for you." He pats my shoulder. "You've earned it."

My blood boils at his fake congratulations, making me spin my chair to face him, causing him to back up quickly. "Why are you over here? Shouldn't you be taking pictures of celebrities doing normal things and twisting it to make them look bad?"

"Ouch." He losely smiles.

"I'm busy, Hoseok." I turn back around. I don't hear much more from him. Instead focus on whats in front of me, until my phone vibrates on my desk. "Why can't I get a minute to myself?" I sigh.


Chicken or beef??

I literally don't care

...so both?

No, just choose one

So you do care

If you get beef its fine
If you get chicken its fine
Just pick one



Jimin has been my roommate since I started this job. He used to drive me to work and pick me up until I finally bought myself a car. He still offered to do it to "save gas" but I told him I should be more independent. I've never met anyone like Jimin. He's kind, funny, and definitely a pain in the ass some days but he's my best friend...and without him...I don't think I'd be the same.

His girlfriend though...I could do without her.

One day, she came into the apartment when he wasn't home and acused me of trying to seduce her boyfriend since I was in a towel. I almost fought this girl...in a towel. Let's just say she's very possessive and jealous. I've told Jimin he should dump her but it's been over a year and they're still together. I love Jimin enough to respect his decision.

Although I still disagree with his choice.

jiminpark is calling....📞

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