Flawed And Tainted #FAT

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Hey loves, hello and welcome to Flawed And Tainted #FAT, the Sequel to Stripped and Tainted #SAT, I strongly suggest that you read the first book before this one.

A little update to my followers.......

Yes, I'm back from Hell adjacent aka high school 😜 and a lot has happened this term. I know I promised to come back with a complete book two but between prefect ship😆(Yes I'm a prefect now)😊, clubs (not dance drugs and alcohol type of clubs though I wish, I mean school clubs like interact, journalism, dramma, debate and whatsoever.... I know I'm a total geek) and "a normal school life" ahmm ahmm my failed relationship... I'll spare you the details. I barely had time to write and the little I did got lost in the last week when my flash drive went missing.

I'm kind of glad it did because I didn't like how I was writing this anyway and I hope this fresh start will be better, the same goes for my other book Hers To Claim which I'm changing the plot for. Yeah, That's all I have to say about my personal life.

Now about the book, Flawed And Tainted is -just like every other sequel- going to be bigger better and smuttier🤭 than Stripped and Tainted. It was all one book but I just decided to split it to make it easier.

In Flawed And Tainted Noni is going to go by Odyssey Dyssie and Banner as Rhiyan.

Flawed And Tainted is not going to be as cliché and predictable as I intended Stripped And Tainted to be because now I'm older, wiser, and prettier. Enjoy the plot twists, cliff hangers and ohhhh okay I didn't see that one comings.

Flawed And Tainted sets off a month after the attack on the Gold Wolf Pack so all those who were worried that I was going to be a crazy psycho bitch and write out Odes' childhood, not going to happen but keep commenting your predictions, I love those.


Flawed And Tainted
~True love never dies, even when the mind forgets, the heart remembers~

"I'll never forget you" "And I'll never stop loving you" we promised each other but we had no say in it. We had too. We had to forget that we mattered to each other. That we were each other's everything.

With their wolves reaped away, Alpha Banner Carranza and Luna Noni Peizer of the Gold Wolf Pack have no recollection of the supernatural world. They lose their mate bond, their identity, and their family. They lose themselves. How will they protect each other when they are not aware of the dangers larking around them? When they don't even know who they really are?

Dyssie Kinsley woke up in a life she can't completely remember. The bits and pieces missing making her run mad but with the help of her sister Fazirya Kinsley she settles into her new life but with one fact still irking at her. How the hell is she pregnant and who's the father?

You can't fight destiny and in that way she meets Rhiyan Belladen, a stranger she can't seem to shake no matter how much she tries too. Will Dyssie Kinsley ever remember her life as Noni Peizer, will she want to return to a life that tainted her.

Rhiyan Belladen lost everything, with only his cousin Tesoro Belladen helping him settle into his new life, will the amnesiac go insane from all the questions and lost memories in his mind. Though he tries to be normal and love the boy unconditionally, he still wonders who the mother of his toddler son is.

Will Rhiyan Belladen remember his life as the great Alpha of the Gold wolf pack, with his insecurities and doubts, will he want to return to a world so flawed.

Living with uncertainty and doubt, will the mates' love be enough to replace everything they lost. Was their love truly fated or will they astray away from each other without the bond confirming the fact that they are destined soulmates?

🌟 Enjoy ~ Tisha 🌟

Update Schedule: Soon, I don't want to rush this book like I did Stripped And Tainted so add this to your reading list and wait please.

Coming: December 12th 2022

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