Chapter 01: Stranger

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Song: I'm a mess by Ed Sheeran🎵

~I won't let anybody steal you away from me and that's a threat~

~I won't let anybody steal you away from me and that's a threat~

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Chapter One: Stranger

I have so many secrets; my brain even hides some memories from me.

I lay in bed trying to remember like but like always I draw up a blank. Just a few figments of blurred memories and distorted sounds, voices yells screams, bits and pieces of the person I am.

My bedroom door suddenly bursts open, Nyx, my best friend/partner at Books and Bakes, a brown skinned, blue haired, green eyed girl tumbles in, “Late!” she screams then the realization hits me. “Late!” I scream back at her face.

Nyx throws the blanket off me and I jump out of bed. “Late! Late! Late!” we chant like a bunch of lunatics, I mean we are a bunch of lunatics but I’m talking about the crazier kind.

She helps me undress, throwing m pajama shirt to the other side of the room and my shorts to the floor.

I can’t believe I totally forgot. I pull myself into a little grey mix of a pencil skirt and shorts while Nyx is doing I don’t know what in the bathroom.

She comes out just as I’m done pulling down a matching white turtle neck sweater and thrusts a tooth brush with tooth paste on hit into my hands.

She pushes me into the bathroom and I see her leave my room. I tie my exceedingly long hair into a French braid, brush my teeth and head out.

“Shit! Shit! Shitty! Shit! Shit!” I curse as I race through the apartment it was just one of those days when being late and clumsy where having fun playing what will injure Dyssie best.

My keys were missing, I continuously stabbed my toe bumped my elbow, smacked my face and nearly got a broken nose seeing as the furniture decided to keep appearing out of nowhere, the door, walls even windows just seemed to hate me, my bra was on backward and this all just had to happen on the morning of my new job as a kindergarten teacher.

Luckily, I had Nyx; Nyx was making breakfast and coffee. She is my favorite person in the world because she was making food and food is my favorite thing.

I slip my shoes on fix my bra and grab the material I’ll need for my classes. Nyx hands me lunch and coffee. She thrusts a piece of toast in my mouth and pushes me out the apartment yelling a sweet bye love you have a great day.

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