Mission Callings

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     I was sitting on my couch, in my room in the apartment Steve and I shared. Steve was very sweet. He took me in and actually cared for me. I was never cared for besides Angela. Although, Angela felt like a grandmother figure, Steve was like the father I never had. God was a father but nothing compared to Steve. Steve took care of me and I greatly appreciate him for that. He introduced me to Nick Fury, head of SHEILD. Fury thought I was interesting, considering the fact I was also an angel. He said that if he ever needed me he'd call me up.

I was reading a magazine, all cozy and warm in my pajamas when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Steve was gone at the gym so I couldn't yell for him to get it. We're close enough to joke around and punk each other. I actually felt normal for once. It made me happy.

I answered the door to see Fury standing at the doorway.

"Fury?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Hey kid. I know Steve is at the gym so I thought I'd come stop by and tell you myself about a certain mission I need you two to go on." He said inviting himself in without any consent. I didn't mind so I just closed the door behind me casually.

"A mission? What kind of mission?" I asked him.

"Do you know anything about a thing called, "The Tesseract?" He asked.

"No. Not that I've heard of." I told him.

"Well, evil guy named Loki stole it from us and we need it back. It is very powerful and it cannot be in the hands of him. I need you and your old man to come and help us retrieve it back." Fury said.

"One, he's not my dad but like my dad. So don't call him my old man. Two, sure! That would be awesome! I'm down. You would just need to confirm with Steve tho. If you want, I think you may still be able to catch him at the gym." I told him.

"One, he's like your dad, so just suck it up and accept it. Two, I knew you were going to agree already. Three, I will take that chance and go find him at the gym. Thank you, Angel and I'll see you soon kid." He said.

"I'm not a kid!" I exclaimed.

"You sure act like one." Fury said as he headed out the door and closed it in my face.

I scoffed before laughing out loud because he was right. I do act like a kid.


Once Steve came back from the gym, he explained the mission more detailed then Fury did. I was all for it. When SHEILD came to pick us up, we flew for awhile in the air. Steve and I heard from a man named Coulson that there were more people to show up along side us. Steve and I looked back on a man named Bruce Banner who apparently was trying to remake the serum they used on Steve, but instead it turned him into The Incredible Hulk.

Coulson seemed like a very nice guy. He had a very gentle voice and he seemed so shy. He began to explain that he was a big fan of Cap and that he felt honored to be flying with him. He kinda started making a fool of himself and it made me cringe at how bad it was but he redeemed himself again by switching up the subject.

I listened in the side but drowned out what they spoke about as I began to think about where I once was to where I am now. I did that a lot now that I'm far away from the past and living in the present, waiting and building up for the future.

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