Genie! Ban x Princess! Reader 🍋?(well- just dirty part not actual sex)

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Y/n's POV

''I'm getting way too curious..'' I grabbed the lamp and started rubbing it after what felt like minutes of rubbing, a blue smoke came out the lamp, floating around in circles, slowly making a tall figure of a man appear. ''W-WHAT! I WAS CORRECT!? NOT ONLY IS IT A GENIE BUT H-HE'S HOT!'' I yelled, almost blushing at the sight of the man.

Ban's POV

I opened my eyes, looking down at the person who has summoned me, the girl almost looked so familiar of someone I met in my childhood...but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, her face looks so familiar but she was quite the sexy one. ''Well...what does a sexy princess want from a genie hmm? purses, jewelry, makeup? the possibilities are endless! I can go on and on about what a woman can desire, you know the rules, 3 wishes and I cannot kill anyone, can't make people fall in love and can't bring anyone back from the dead and you can not wish for more wishes, that's stupid'' I crossed my arms as I grinned at the girl.

'' just said I KNEW the rules, so if I knew, why tell me?'' The girl blinked, I was starting to think this girl was probably just a smartass brat but I have to do my job and get this over with. ''Again say your 3 WISHES so I can get out of here and go back to my long nap'' I glared at the girl.

''Do you assume everyone wants a wish just by rubbing the lamp out of curiosity?'' The girl raised an eyebrow at me. ''Ugh, you are at least the first one who's being so difficult, I expected you to just wish 3 shitty lady objects without having to think and ask more questions'' I rolled my eyes, starting to get really annoyed. 

''Well....I just wanted to know if genies are real and....I just realized, you look so familiar, what is your name Mr. Genie'' Y/n smiled. ''....You tell me your name first then I'll tell you mine'' I raised an eyebrow, getting curious if she was the girl who was my childhood friend or if this was just a big coincidence.

''My name is y/n l/n!''  As soon as I heard that name, my heart dropped. '' name is ban....'' I looked at her, trying my best to not cry right there and then.  '''s been a while....after you abandoned me for great power...'' Y/n frowned. ''I-I- y/n you knew that I left because If I had power, I could protect you! but that 'great power' was just an exchange to become a genie'' I felt tears roll down my cheek, trying to not sob my eyes out. 

'' you still took it? I've waited YEARS for you to return....'' Y/n looked away from me. ''N-no! I had no choice but to take it, I didn't even know what the power was, as soon as they said it was the power to be a genie, they turned me into one, I didn't want to abandon you, I cried every night hoping you'd find the lamp to free me....I was just a reckless kid back then who didn't know that powers always came with a price, I was selfish to realize that'' I looked down at the floor, barely holding back the tears.

''That's all I need to ban I have a wish and only one wish'' Y/n said bluntly, I was in shock at first but I listened to what wish she had. ''I wish for your freedom'' As soon as she said that, the two bracelets came off as my legs finally appeared and my ears turning back into just humans ears. ''I-I'm free!'' I hugged y/n, lifting her up off the ground.

Y/n's POV

I giggled before feeling something poking underneath my private, I looked down only to see ban's dick poking my private, I can't help but be in awe from the size, It looks like it could barely fit inside if it were to go in, It was just massive.

''Y-you've been staring at my dick for quite awhile....'' Ban placed me down, placing his own hands to cover his dick. ''I'm's massive so I couldn't help but stare'' I said, blushing at the thought of me touching it.

''W-well....I am tired now that I am free, maybe tomorrow you can touch it....'' Ban smiled, pulling me down onto the floor. ''Goodnight....I....I love you'' Ban said before falling fast asleep. ''I...I love you too ban...goodnight'' Soon I drift off to sleep.

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