Am I a hero or a villain?

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Early in the morning, there was a kid running and practicing very seriously for more than fivhours whose life was at stake, and if anyone saw him, he'd wonder where his parents or someone who was responsible for taking care of him would allow him to exercise at that age and with that intensity.

(Alarm resonance)

"Looks like I'm done today.

I lay on the floor after my morning workout. Because of my stress anyway, the ground was under my grass and I was alone, even though I'm not afraid to be seen lying down, it's not like I'm doing something wrong, nor am I interested in seeing anyone, but I'm more comfortable being alone even if I'm not doing something wrong.

After a little break and breathing, it was almost noon when it got hotter, so I didn't stall too long and rushed back to a house.

"I'm home."

Although I know no one's gonna answer to me because I live alone, but it's like people talk after themselves and just like I do now and I don't even answer the line, but talking to myself helps me organize and sort out my thoughts.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath as a result of sweating a lot of running and playing sports. I used a towel and then got dressed.

I went to the kitchen and I took some of the extra food I'd made for breakfast before I went to practice, I sat on the couch, it was delicious, and I didn't boast myself, but as young as I was, I could outgrow a lot of adults in cooking, but I'd honestly rather eat than have a nice girl who loved me even if she wasn't good at cooking.

I turn on the TV and I travel between the channels and I eat beef steaks. It's a little bit crunchy, and when you put it in your mouth and chew it comes out, it's a little sweet with crunchy bread slices and fresh oranges.

I stop by the news, not like I'm attracted to the beautiful broadcaster, but I wonder if the beauty of a condition to be a beautiful broadcaster is, I think, because if there's bad news, the audience can calm down, because the human nature is that they like to look at beautiful things, even though I'm alone, but I'm not interested in any girl but the girl I love and I'm impressed even if it's not one girl, anyway.

- In a scene in front of me right now on TV, a big man with strong, high-profile muscles, with features engraved on his face with strong jaws, bones and two teeth, and short blonde hair tipped back, with two distinctive waistcoats sticking out over his head, showing off with a white smile, dressed like a superhero design.

(Everything's fine.)

Why? Why? Because I'm here. The muscular man talks with a strong smile on his face.

(Can you see this?)

(He's already saved hundreds!

That's crazy! It hasn't been 10 minutes!

(He's smiling!)

(He's a hero)

The reporter tells the news during the video presentation of the recording.

- The broadcaster talks about how he saves all the people, how many victims, how many injured, what happened to the criminals, how the police arrested them with the help of this person, the rescuer, or what they call him in this hero world.

It's a dangerous world, though, since ordinary people are just secondary to the fuel of guns to make the criminal seem to kill many of them or hero a hero who is famous for saving them, even though some of them have a powerful power that can develop as dangerously as psychic or manipulate the elements of nature from water and land even if they are too weak.

I'm not gonna lie to you and say that I wasn't kind of excited. I could say that it's just a curiosity about the kind of strong people you're gonna get, and the people you're gonna meet in this world, especially pretty, nice girls, it's not like I think of them in a perverse way, but I just wonder if they're gonna behave the same way they do in anime, and whether it's possible to win their heart easily about how they're saved.

Although I was initially thinking about the possibility of living a normal life, I found that my life would be in danger, whether I like it or not, even if I was training myself and gaining power that could not be used without permits even if I succeeded in using it when my life was at risk and I hid myself with time. It's going to draw attention to myself, for example, when no one survives, even if I save all the way I hide myself, so if I want to live like I do, it's better to blend into the ruin herd, like the wolf is integrated into the hero herd. I think likening it to the wolf makes me more of a predator than a hero.

Anyway, in this world, 80 percent of people are born with abilities, so naturally there are a lot of bad guys, even if there are a lot of heroes, but you won't find a lot of people who want to put their lives at risk, even though many of those who have become heroes rarely, if any, decide to be a hero, not for their own ends.

Although there are similar targets for heroes and villains, their methods and methods are quite different. The first is to glorify people, respect them and set an example for themselves. The second is to hate people, and I want to kill them in the ugliest way, and I sometimes agree with them.

You're curious now about the kind of power I have, but now I'm still young and I'm supposed to get a power right now, but before you ask about a force, you have to recognize me first, plus, I'm sorry I'm late to define myself, but from the logic of who's going to introduce himself as he runs or breathes hard while doing exercise from pressure, squatting, and so on.

- First of all my name is Hiro Hataki, which is my mother's desire to name Hiro, which is a hero in English, where my mother was from Australia and my father was from America. I wonder how I recognized each other not from two different countries, but from two different continents, but maybe it's a destiny where love, they say, is close to distances, or it's my destiny.

Although abilities often appear only when you grow up a little bit and are only four years old when they appear different from person to person, some of them appear at birth, for example when they are part of their body, whether tail or disappearance, my own ability has emerged since the day I was born, and I wonder if this has something to do with my knowledge and memories of my past life, but I think it has helped me a lot because I was like an adult in the body of a child.

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