A disaster caused by lucky!

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The sound of a baby crying resonates all over the hospital.

It was a cry that did not exceed five seconds. It is possible for anyone to believe that the child had done something or, in the worst case, died, but in reality the child is healthy despite his or her poor physical structure than other newborn children.

He was born in the sixth month of pregnancy; Because of his mother's weakness, she would have abandoned him in the months after he started to be, and there were signs that he was alive, or she would have taken the risk of giving birth to her life and his life.

Even though she was in more danger than she was, she didn't get beyond her 1% chance of survival; she had the same 1% chance of survival as the fetus; she had the chance of survival if she listened to the doctors and had an abortion, she said, 100%, but she told them to smile his anxiety, expressing the greatest affection:

(If my whole life is worth only 1% of his life, I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life 100% of his life.

Yes, she is the mother and there is only this word to describe sacrifice and love in all the terms of these words. It is the instinct of motherhood, whether it be in man or animal.

At the end of the process, the child is spared, even if he is physically weak and healthy, sometimes they say that when there is a security that someone wants to achieve in his life and that I'm willing to do anything to achieve it, and he won't hesitate to do it when the opportunity comes, his luck in his whole life will be drained to provide the conditions for it, but someone can die directly because of his misfortune.

Where it was a single mother's wish to see her son restrained by life, healthy and good, and fate helped her achieve it because without all days there was a special guest at Elio's hospital, a nice grandmother who saved the lives of many people and heroes.

Where it was a single mother's wish to see her son restrained by life, healthy and good, and fate helped her achieve it because without all days there was a special guest at Elio's hospital, a nice grandmother who saved the lives of many people and heroes.

- Today she comes to do a full examination of herself, even though she is a doctor and has a special strength to heal, but her luck has been manipulated to be the cause of the child's survival and his mother's reassurance.

- It seemed unfortunate to her when she was at her clinic, and she was at Erne's, who worked as a hero. It was raining and very cold in the previous days. He was hit by a severe cold from chasing down some of the bad guys who killed and hurt people.

- Say hi to them and go to a closet, but of course, anywhere where there's kids, there's got to be some chaos, especially children with special abilities, and they're excited to use it and brag about it, and tell how it's going to be invalidated in the future.

One of them was a kid who had a ability, a sticky Mada, and his sister, a girl who had the ability to produce soap bubbles, and her brother used his ability to harass her with his sticky material, and because of his sister's disgust with him, she used her ability.

And he used his ability and scarf to keep the kid from falling out of electricity. Some electrical wires became naked. There was a lot of soap. He smelled like soap.

Because it's just soap and some bubbles where the girl hasn't woken up for a long time, but under these circumstances she's been touching both soap and electricity.They caused a great deal of tragedy, all in a second, and the other two heroes were nothing but a hero who caught some thieves and criminals with weak abilities and small gangs with other heroes, so they didn't react as fast as Isaen, where he was a professional hero, and he came across a lot of situations, and Grandma was just a hero who had some kind of therapy capability, so Eisenhower used his ability for 1,000. She looked like a deer's eyes, and she was agile because of her ability. She ran out the appliances that were touched by electrical diamonds, and of course, the flames that were caused by the electrode, and she carried them quickly. She went, and she hooked up in the lap of her husband, who was waiting for her near the window, and their daughter in her mother's lap, and then he jumped out the window.

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