Bite your tongue

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❝ to stop yourself from saying something that you would really like to say ❞

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"L/N... you can always stop by for a chat, okay?"

My gaze was lowered, worried that I might accidentally make eye contact with one of the pupils in the class. My fingers were intertwined with one another, my ears desperately trying to drown out all the whispers.

"She's so young...... she truly didn't deserve this."

"He wasn't a good father anyway."

"Don't say that!"

I let out an inaudible sigh, despising the way I was suddenly the attention of the class. And not for a good reason. The teacher's eyes softened as they landed on me, sparking the already widespread topic among the students yet again.

The ringing sound of the bell was like music to my ears, as I shot up from my seat, heading straight to the school grounds to spend some solitary minutes. I was extremely overwhelmed by the constant questions. The people just wanted to satisfy their curiosity.... they'd no idea the pressure I was under whenever they casually brought up the accident as if it was something trivial.

A sharp pain erupted in my stomach, the gasp of surprise I released earning a scrutinizing stare from a brunet standing nearby.

Ah... so much for trying to be secretive.

"Y/N..." I don't want to hear it. "I'm really sorry for what you had to go through. Your dad might be an awful person but... he still didn't deserve this "

I sent the guy a weak smile, not knowing how else to respond. I knew the questions he'd been wanting to ask were hiding behind his affectionate tone.

"So... you're gonna live with your mom alone, huh? How will you guys carry on?"

I internally grimaced as his fingers brushed against my shoulder, but none of the disgust I was holding in was visible on my face. I didn't want to make things worse by doing something stupid.

"We'll.. figure something out." I stepped back, my words dry as I focused solely on getting rid of his prying hands.

"You don't have to be scared, hm? You'll always have me. I'm willing to help."

"Can you.. ah.. please, um, yeah." My sweaty palms reflexively slapped his, the nerves making me shudder.

"Let me drop you home after school, m'kay?"

Leave me alone.

But I was too scared to say it out loud.

"I'll be fine! Don't worry." I put up a convincing smile, my feet forcing me to get myself out of his surveillance.

I didn't want to look back at his satisfied face, because as much patience as I had, I had my limits too. And saying something wrong in a complicated matter such as this... might have ended up with a lot of mess.

I hate men.

My shoulders drooped with relaxation once I got inside the classroom, the breath I'd been holding in finally coming out. I just needed to get through the entire day without being noticed by that infuriating piece of shit.

He'd been in the same clubs as me for a while, but whenever given the chance, he never failed to make me uncomfortable. Just.... how dedicated was he to make my life more miserable than it already was?

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