Chapter Two: The Boy With The Brightest Smile

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Alexander King was fearless. He had backpacked his way across Europe following Paris Saint-Germain. Protested deforestation in Brazil. Captained the lacrosse team throughout college. He used to joke that his parents bathed him in luck as a baby, and he was perfect in every way. June had loved him since the day she met him speeding around campus in her matte black coupe.

" I almost took him out with my coupe!" It was the story she used to tell, that day when she saw the boy with the whitest smile.

"I'm so sorry! I was changing the station!" June yelled out the window. "I looked down for two seconds. Are you okay?"

"You're good!" The young man responded as he got up and brushed the grass from his elbow, reapproaching the corner. "You should be more careful; this is a nice little whip you have," he continued flashing his smile.

"This is my baby!" June gushed, "I would never hurt her." Taking in the young man for the first time, he was pretty tall, definitely above average. His bronzed red skin glistened with sweat in the hot Texas sun as his sandy brown hair peeked through his baseball cap. He obviously spent plenty of time in the sun—the light catching his caramel eyes as he turned his baseball cap backward.

"He is so fine," June thought to herself. "Be cool, June." Glancing in the rearview mirror. "Looking good, girl," She smirked to herself.

"So you were just trying to hurt me?" The young man continued. June snapped back into reality.

"No way, I would never hurt you. I mean, I would never intentionally...I, never mind. My bad," June giggled. "I'm June." She smiled, extending her hand.

"Alex. Nice to meet you." He returned the handshake. "Well, I gotta get to class, but I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, definitely." June nodded, attempting to pull back her hand.

Tightening his grip, "promise?" Alex coaxed, staring intensely at June.

PROMISE!!! June squealed internally. "Promise." She replied, flirtatiously squeezing his hand—her heart racing.

They exchanged one last smile as Alex crossed the street, waiving, "Catch ya later, Bug!".

"Hey, wait," June called from the passenger window, "did you just call me Bug?"

"Yeah, like a Junebug, this is Texas." Alex half-smiled as he crossed to the next sidewalk, taking out his cell phone.

June blushed as her phone chirped.

Chief Alex's iPhone would like to share a contact.

"Ahhhhhh! June screamed, "I love him; that's my future husband."


June stumbled into the office in a haze. The morning's events had been anything but usual. This beautiful woman, Tala, had hit on her in traffic. She was still trying to process if that had happened.

"Alex, I mean, I know I'm attractive, but I got it like that?" June questioned herself. "There's no way. Oh my God, Alex, do I come off as a lesbian!?"

"Good morning, June!" June's secretary greeted her, breaking her concentration.

"Good morning Tim so sorry I'm late, Houston traffic. What else is new?"

"Nothing here, boo, just your meeting moved from 2 to 10," Tim responded hesitantly.

"10!" June panicked, glancing at her watch. "That's in 15 minutes!"

"Don't worry, girl, you know I've got you. The mood boards are ready for your client, and all three fee agreements are printed and ready to go, depending on how well you negotiate today. The most expensive is on top." Tim winked.

"Tim, you are a lifesaver," June gushed, kissing the top of his head. "When I start my firm, you're coming with me," June whispered.

"You already know it, girl."


Unlike Alex, June had a pretty regular go at things. She was a good student in college  June had hoped to be a fashion major u, but she realized quickly that her love for fashion might not work out career-wise. A year later, she decided on pre-law after sitting through a women empowerment lecture and was set for law school post-graduation. But, life happened; she met Alex, started traveling with him,  and she needed a job with more flexibility.

June became a publicist, working in the Houston office for one of the biggest PR firms out of New York. As an up and comer, June's management portfolio was stacked with daytime television stars, retired athletes, and Instagram Influencers, except one, the golden goose. They represented almost every b-lister with a scandal in TMZ.

June was attending a banquet one evening with Alex; he had received an award for helping to provide clean water to children in sub-Saharan Africa. It was a star-studded event the world's most famous actors and actresses, fashion designers, philanthropists, doctors, scientists, and even a few Youtube stars all gathered in one place. It was like the MET Gala for water conservation, and thanks to Alex, they were in the throughs.

This is where Alex flourished. June was friendly and polite, but Alex was the superstar. He was gliding across the room, schmoozing with the best and the brightest like they were old drinking buddies.

"There she is, oh my God, Alex, it's HER!" June whispered, hiding her lips behind a glass of champagne. "It's Donatella!" June could hardly contain her excitement. Donatella Versace stood a mere 5 feet away from the couple, casually conversing with a few celebrities.

"Want to meet her?" Alex nudged June in her direction, pinching her waist.

"Meet her?! I'm lucky to be in her presence," June replied, firmly planting her Versace heels into the floor.

"Oh, come on, Bug, she's human just like us, and you're even wearing Versace heels! It's the perfect moment."

June took a deep breath. "Okay, but you've got to do the introduction, so I don't word vomit."

"I've always got you, babe. Let's do this."


"June? June!" Tim blared through her office phone. "The golden goose is on line one. I repeat, THE GOLDEN GOOSE IS ON LINE ONE, this is not a drill baby!"

June took a deep breath and picked up the receiver.

"Ciao Donatella! How have you been?"

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