Chapter 7: Final Battle

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Two Yellow Team soldiers wandered into the lounge. Taterman, Taterwoman, and the plushies who wanted to watch a series on a streaming service all heard them coming, so the paused their game and hid. The level they were on, one of five final levels, had a time limit, while most of the levels had a timer that went upward, giving more points by clearing a mission in less time. One of the soldiers decided that he wanted to hear a meme line, so they moved the analog stick to select it, and once they heard it, the other said, "That's it! That is where our enemy base is! The computer room!"

The one who did it replied, "Really? You're taking advice from that game? It's way too edgy, yet only got an E10+ in the US."

"... You're right, but let's check there anyway." The first one said.

They managed to avoid being noticed on the way to the computer room, which was really close to the lounge. Once there, they saw the two guards and two medics listening to the anthem of the former Soviet Union. They managed to surprise their enemies, dealing damage to one of White Team's medics. The guards said, "It's over, enemies! We have the hi-" but one got shot, though he survived.

One of White Team's medics was slain quickly, so the others decided to flee and used their grappling guns on the door frame, which helped them get out. They saw an open vent cover and a rope, so they decided to go into the vents. They landed on the ground, climbed up the rope leading to the vents, and got in with some trouble. They managed to close the vent in a way that allowed them to be opened from the inside going outward, and they added a lock feature. The Yellow Team soldiers started shooting, but most of their ammo could not reach the top. The only thing they could use and have a chance to hit with was their sniper rifles. The White Team soldiers got away from the opening, and the Yellow Team soldiers gave up.

"We only killed one of the ones at their base." One of the Yellow Team soldiers said, feeling that he failed his goal.

"Yeah, but we forced an enemy group outside of their base. Let's go back to ours and inform them of this!" His partner replied, feeling like he had done well. After this, they ran off.

Once one of the Guards was sure they would not return, he exited, ran to their old base, and hastily wrote "NO LONGR BASE GO 2 VENT IN KIDZ ROM" on the side of one of the tents in washable marker. He made the journey back, but a different Yellow Team soldier had wandered nearby after finding his allies that drove White Team from their base. The guard impaled him through the chest with his sword, but that failed to kill him, so he used the sword to impale him through the neck, which worked.

The three remaining White Team members not at base went back to base to heal, but they saw the writing, assumed it was real since there was no one there, and decided to sing a song from 1999 made famous or infamous by a movie that came out in 2001 along the way. That alerted one of the Yellow Team soldiers that forced White Team out of their base, who wandered back that way, and he started shooting. One White Team soldier made the mistake of running away in a straight line instead of running and swerving to avoid being hit. That cost him his life because it made hitting him easier. The two survivors made it to the top of the rope leading to the vents, which was closed and locked quickly after, preventing Yellow Team from getting in.

"Okay, let's do a count of how many we have left," One of the White Team guards said.

"There's me, the other guard, one medic, and two soldiers. Wow, when did we lose the other four soldiers?"

One of the soldiers asked, "What do you mean? Do you know what happened to the other medic?"

"We were goofing off, so two enemies caught us off guard and killed one of our medics."

Now, there were just two teams left, both depleted of people. Yellow Team was made up of three soldiers, both guards, and one medic. They were not doing too hot, but the majority of their team was still alive. White Team was made up of two soldiers, both guards, and one medic.

White Team began the search for the base of their enemies. They heard screams in the vents, which echoed throughout. In addition to them being dark and dusty, that unnerved them. They heard a vent cover open, more running, and another vent cover opening. Two guards went closer, and the voices became more panicky, then they jumped into the kids' bathroom, which was where the second vent was above. Upon looking down, they saw that the voices were two dolls that were using the vents as a hiding spot, and they had jumped into the tub. The tub toys there were not expecting this, but they tried to help them. Mabel and Blaze got splashed, since they were still on the edge of the tub, so they looked up, and spotted the soldiers. They were scared, so they hid behind bottles of shampoo and conditioner. The White Team soldiers asked, "Are any of you allies of the other hostile action figures?"

The biggest rubber ducky replied, "N-no, we're trying not to get involved. Please don't hurt any of us!" After this, the soldiers realized that there were no enemies there, so they left to the relief of all of the toys down there.

Continuing their search, White Team found an open vent directly above the base of Yellow Team. They got everyone above them, realized that every member of Yellow Team was at base, and decided that, since a successful attack would finish off Yellow Team, they would strike then. They started firing, and a White Team guard managed to kill a Yellow Team soldier before anyone below knew what was going on. Once they realized that they were being attacked, it became a sniper rifle battle, as those were the only things Yellow Team had that could reach up there, and it was accurate at the distance down White Team was firing at.

The fight was frenzied, and the soldiers forgot to get off of the cover so the medic could heal them with cover. Due to that, they were shot to death, but managed to kill one of Yellow Team's guards and all three of Yellow Team's soldiers that survived until then. White Team's guards realized that they were the main offensive force left, so they got into the action, killing the opposing medic first so she couldn't heal her allied guard. Once the sole Yellow Team guard realized he was the only member of Yellow Team left, he managed to get a lucky shot off on one of White Team's guards, killing him. The surviving White Team guard shot his enemy in the head from above, killing him.

Now, Yellow Team was all dead, and White Team was the only team left alive. Despite the final battle having been over, there was one thing left that the survivors needed to do...

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