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I winced trying to keep my voice down as I heard vases being shattered against the walls. " WHERE ARE YOU?!" I trembled backing away to the farthest corner of my closet , where I usually hid from my not so loving husband. I feared for my life ever since I started seeing him, we were "high school sweethearts" as some would call it. I continued to hear him yell profanities and throwing several items , most likely destroying our living room. At the beginning I blamed myself for his erratic behavior. Maybe I did something wrong, maybe I didn't cook something right, or maybe I wasn't giving him enough sex . Thousands of excuses ran through my head back then, but now I understand. He's toxic, I'm not the one at fault it's him. I sniffled as tears began to run down my bruised up cheeks, my left eye began to sting as it was still swollen and bruised from his previous outbursts. I looked at the phone in my hand and wondered if I should call the police but I knew he would probably hear my voice. Then in a moment of bad timing my phone began to ring loudly, I fumbled it in my hands until I turned the ringer off. I started shaking as I heard the bedroom door slam open. "Oh babeeee." I heard his voice slightly slur, "Come out, I promise I won't hurt you if you come out quietly." I frowned slightly as I heard his lie, 'yeah right' , I thought to myself. Suddenly the closet door swung open and he purred in delight as he dragged me out by my leg. I screamed as I bumped myself on the door, "Michael stop!" I looked up at him as he glared at me then lifted me up and threw me onto the floor. "Or what Melanie? What're you gonna do huh?" I looked up at him as I sat up slowly my mind clouded with fear and grief. At that moment I could've said a million different things but what I blurted out was, "I...I want a divorce.." We both looked at each other and the entire house went silent, I swallowed hard waiting for him to respond. As if everything was in fast motion he climbed on top of me and kissed me roughly. "I LOVE YOU MELANIE WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?!" I cried as he picked me up and threw me onto the bed and my body slowly betrayed me as he ripped my clothes off. I laid there as my entire mind went blank only hearing the creaking of the bed then I felt his calloused hands wrap around my neck. I gasped for air as he yelled out how much he "loved" me . In that moment I began to pray that this would all end soon and I wouldn't end up pregnant with his child. As if on cue I began to see blurry and began to hear less and less, everything went white as my breathing stopped and the last thing I heard was, "Mel...?" Was I dead?  Was my last memory gonna be my husband forcing himself onto me? What kind of sick joke was this? I felt as if I was floating in a white void and began to see my entire life flash before my life as I began to cry in agony seeing all my mistakes and regrets. 'I wish I could start all over' Suddenly I began to hear monitors beeping and doctors talking, oh god was i getting brought back to that nightmare marriage. Then what I heard next shocked me more "Congratulations it's a girl!"  Huh? Was i being reincarnated or something? Then I heard a familiar voice, my mother's voice, "Hi there Melanie.."

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