Teenage dream

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Years later I stood in front of the mirror, I was 17 years old now. I smiled looking back at how this life has turned out, i have an amazing best friend and a now sweet boyfriend. Yeah I ended up dating Matthew, my father looked like his soul left his body when he found out that Matthew kissed me. I was currently getting ready to go to the mall with Aubrey,Matthew and our mothers. I slipped on my ripped jeans , my black v neck shirt andwhite vans . I tied my hair into a high ponytail only letting my bangs frame my face. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to my mom who was already waiting for me. We made our way to the mall and met up with them and were given our allowance, "We'll meet up at the food court when its lunch time, remember keep together you three." Matthew's mother said as she handed him his money. "We know mom we know." Matthew rolled his eyes, he really did grow up nice. His dirty blonde hair slicked back only a few strands of hair on his forehead, his green eyes and fair skin added more to his looks. Plus he'd occasionally steal his dad's cologne . We made our way upstairs to the second level and looked around different stores, "Can you believe we're gonna be seniors already ?" Aubrey giggled as she wrapped her arm around my free arm. Matthew chuckled, "Yeah unfortunately I'm stuck with you two." I playfully smacked his arm, "I really do feel the love y'know." He laughed as Aubrey tried to reach him, "I'm kidding! In all seriousness, I was a brat when I was a kid. I don't get how you guys put up with me." I smiled , if this was a dream I never wanted to wake up. The difference was truly night and day, and I know I avoided my death flag because in the past I met Michael when I was in middle school. I snapped back as Aubrey led us into Abercombie so we could start looking for clothes.

I looked through the racks of pants, "Melanie look wouldn't this look cute?" She showed me a pair of cut off high rise shorts. I arched my eyebrow as Matthew looked over, "Do you want Mr. Ortiz to have a heart attack?" Aubrey laughed, "True, bad enough you stole his babygirl. He'd really have a heart attack, Matt." I continued looking over then I looked over seeing Matthew call me, "Babe, help me pick out which shirt is better." I walked over to the men's section when in the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure. I turned and saw nothing then shook my head and continued walking over. I felt an uneasiness, a sudden chill going down my body. I smacked my cheeks lightly, was that Michael? No it couldn't be. "Uh, babe? You okay?" I looked at Matthew who had a confused expression, "I'm fine, just got a lot on my plate y'know. All those AP classes are gonna be a drag." Matthew smiled pinching my cheek, "I know you can do it, you're a smart one." I giggled as he began to show me different options.

We continued through the mall going to different stores to buy our clothes and some shoes . Unfortunately we still had to wear our uniforms since it was a private school. I looked at the sneakers in my hands, "Jeez Mel, you're always buying sneakers. I dont think I ever saw you wearing heels." I giggled, "Yeah I'm gonna have to wear them for prom though." Aubrey giggled, "oh yeahhh, your mom's pretty excited for that." Aubrey managed to convince us to go to the spa and said it would be her treat and I laid down for my massage as I relaxed and the memory of my sweet 16 came to me.

I whimpered as Michael had been yelling at anyone who even tried to come near me. "Michael stop!" He looked at me, "Can't they see you're taken?!" Suddenly my father towered over him, "I think it's best for you to leave young man, unless you want me to call the police over." He scowled at my father then mouthed at me 'If I find out you danced with any other guy, you'll be sorry.' He left and I crumbled to the floor in my poofy pink ballgown. My tears began to stain the fabric of the tulle skirt as I sniffled. Little did I know this was only the beginning of my nightmare.

"Alright we're done Miss Melanie." I opened my eyes and quickly put my clothes back on and went outside to see Matthew waiting for me and Aubrey. "How was it?" I smiled , "It was nice." Michael can't ruin my life this time around, he can't hurt me. I'm safe, I have a loving family and loving friends. We made our way to the food court to meet our mothers. I bumped into someone and was knocked back, "I'm sorry, are you okay?" The person extended their hand and I looked up and saw the one person I dreaded. Michael's dark brown eyes stared back at me.

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