A night to remember pt. 1

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Months passed and eventually it became the day of prom. I sat with Aubrey in my room as the stylists we hired did our hair and makeup. She looked at her phone as the stylist straightened her hair. "Are you excited Mel?" I looked over while my stylist was doing vintage curls on my hair, "I mean yeah why wouldn't I be?" She merely giggled, "Oh nothing," she looked at my hair stylist, "make sure to leave her extra nice." She was acting off, but then again this was Aubrey, when wasn't she a bit weird sometimes.

We made our way downstairs as Matthew, Dylan and  our mothers were waiting in the living room. Matthew smiled taking my hand and stared at me, "You look beautiful, Melanie." I giggled as he slipped the corsage on me, "You clean up nicely too, Matthew." Our mothers took pictures of us and we made our way outside where we got into Matthew's car and drove off. Aubrey was taking several selfies in the back with Dylan and Matthew held my hand while driving with the other. I snapped a picture of him holding my hand as he smiled, "Get my good side babe." I giggled leaning over and kissed his cheek.

We made it to the venue where it was going to be held at and Dylan and Audrey got off, "We'll go reserve our table while you guys go find a parking spot." I nodded as they snickered walking inside, okay it was official. They were acting weird. Matthew found a parking spot then took a deep breath and looked at me, "I uh, I wanted to ask you something." I looked at him confused, "Is something up?" He cupped my face and kissed me, "Melanie...If you're ready , do you wanna..?" I looked at him confused then blushed, I knew what he was talking about. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I do."

I moaned softly as Matthew kissed my neck and started to unzip my dress slowly pulling it off, "M-Matty.." I laid back on the bed as he began to pull off his suit. I swallowed hard as I saw him completely naked then he leaned over and kissed me as he slowly removed my lingerie. I held onto him tightly as he slowly began to enter me. He grabbed my hand intertwining his fingers with mine as we both eventually lost ourselves to each other. I smiled as he laid his head on my clavicle, "I love you Melanie."

After a while he helped me put my dress back on as I tried to fix my hair making it seem somewhat decent. After we were fully dressed we made our way to the ballroom and looked for Aubrey and Dylan. Aubrey nudged me and giggled, "Follow me to the ladies room really quick." She got up and basically dragged me out to the restroom, "Alright spill, how was it?" I felt my cheeks turn bright red, "I... how did you know?" She giggled fixing my dress a bit, "Please, you basically wobbled the entire way into the ballroom."  I blushed covering my face, "It was nice." Aubrey giggled, "Aww you're too adorable Melanie." She pulled a dryer sheet from her bag and ran it over my head to take away the frizz from my hair. I arched an eyebrow at her and she smiled, "Oh come one you have to look nice." I giggled as we made our way to the ballroom and sat down at the table . The waiters brought us our food and drinks and we began to eat and chat away.

I giggled as Matthew pulled me to the dance floor to slow dance and kissed me not breaking from the song's rhythm. "Still sore?" I blushed slightly, "Maybe a little." He snickered, "We might have to do that more often to get you used to it." I laughed softly hitting his chest, "Sheesh, where'd you learn to tease  like that." Matthew smiled, "Well after Dylan and Aubrey found out my plan, they both began to give me tips and Dylan explained how to treat someone during their first time." I rolled my eyes smiling as I laid my head on his chest, "Of course those two corrupted you."

—Michael POV—

I stood up buckling my pants as I looked over at Rosalie's naked body sleeping soundly under the covers. I put on the rest of my tuxedo then rummaged through Rosalie's purse getting the ticket and walked out. It would only be a matter of time before I would have my sweet nightingale in my arms once more. I made my way into the ballroom but saw no sign of her , I only saw her two friends. Where was she ? I leaned on the wall sipping some fruit punch as I hid from anyone seeing me, that's when I saw her. In her beautiful blue dress, in my eyes it didn't suit her. She looked like a blue bird. She needed a dark color dress, she was a nightingale not a common little bluebird. I felt my anger increase as I saw that preppy boy help her walk. I was confused as to why she couldn't walk on her own then the realization hit me. He deflowered her. He took what was rightfully mine. I shattered the glass in my hand. I needed to act fast.

—Melanie POV—

"Let's go get some fresh air," Matthew took my hand and led me out to the balcony. I walked to the edge looking out at the stars as I placed my hands on the top rail of the balcony. "The sky looks so beautiful." I smiled then turned to look at Matthew and gasped. He had knelt down to his knee and was holding a small box. "Melanie, I met you when I was just a spoiled little brat. I hated the fact that there was someone smarter than me , and I saw you as a rival. But as we got older I started to see you as the most perfect being in my life, I don't think I'd ever want to be apart from you. So would you do me the honor," he opened the small box with a ring in the middle. The pear shaped sunset sapphire shined under the moonlight having the tint of gold that my honey eyes had. "Would you marry me, Melanie?" I teared up as I nodded and let him slip the ring onto my finger. He stood up and lifted me twirling me in the air before kissing me.

We made our way to the ballroom still high on the happiness of our bright future. Then we heard gunshots and people screaming and everyone started to scatter. I tried to hold onto Matthew but in the midst of all the chaos I got separated and as I tried to reach him I felt someone grab me. I turned seeing those eyes. Those dark brown, nearly black eyes. Michael had found me, and he had his hold on me as I heard Matthew yelling for me. He suddenly put a cloth to my face and everything went dark.

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