Chapter 2

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It was really, bad. {recap}


You fidget with your fingers and pace around your room while you wait for Momo to arrive at your house, you closed your curtains and turned off all your lights except the flashlight that emitted from you phone

'How could I let this happen??' is all you could ask yourself as you anxiously wait

What would happen now? Unlike most people you much rather have a normal life, your content! You don't mind your life as it is now, you wouldn't change it for anything else.

'Am I gonna be on the news and be questioned? Okay all I have to say is no right? But will they even take my word for it? How many people have seen the article by now? WAIT HAS HE-'

Your thought process was interrupted by a knock on your door. Your breath hitches in your throat as you slowly walk to your door to avoid any creaks, you never knew if it was Momo or not

Finally getting to your door with little to no noise right when you were gonna look through the peephole another knock scared the shit out of you

" Y/N OPEN THE DOOR" Momo said frantically

Backing up quickly you open the door and close it immediately after your ponytailed friend entered

When you turn around Momo engulfs you in a hug, you stiffen, what bad news was she about to break to you??

"I'm so sorry Y/n, if I never let Mina convince me to leave you with Shouto this wouldn't have happened, I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me please-" Momo sounded like she was on the verge of tears, she must've felt really bad about this

You bring your hand up to pat her back

"Mmo calm down really it;s okay" you say rubbing her back as she sniffles

"But I know you like your quiet life and and" she says but you just shush her

"Listen Momo, i said it's fine, I wouldn't have said it was if it wasn't, we will deal with this and things will blow over soon enough and everyone will forget and there" you say pulling her out of the hug to look you in the eyes

She smiles as she wipes the tears that were pricking the side of her eye

"I love you Y/n, I promise I will help you through this whole situation" she says and to lighten the mood you throw her a cocky grin

"Duh, better call Mina over here as well" you say and she giggles lightly as she lets out a exhale slowly regaining her composure

"Alright Y/n let's go over what the cons are of this situation." she starts as she heads to your kitchen and you follow her, glad that she was able to calm down and be rational again

Once you guys got to the kitchen you start making a cup of tea as Momo sits down taking in a deep breath, though you should probably be the one freaking out

You quickly brew two warm cups of tea and place one in front of Momo and one for yourself

"Alright y/n, first as the number 3 hero Shouto has rather a large...following" she finishes taking a sip of her tea

"Meaning a lot of people are gonna try to find you, track you down, and just overall be in your personal life starting today"

You stiffen at the fact of not being able to live life as you would, is this how famous people felt?

"Next, paparazzi are gonna be on you left and right, they will document everything and anything they find on you so you have to be absolutely careful" Momo says and your face scrunches

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