Chapter 3

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"Y/n it's nice to see you again" {recap}


You stood stiffly in front of Todoroki's desk as he looked at you blankly

"You can sit you know? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Todoroki finally says and your eyes widen for a moment before you sit down

"Ah no no, just..tired..?" You say making an excuse up on the spot and Todoroki looks troubled

"I see, so the paparazzi have already started bothering you?" He asks and you shake your head quickly

"No no, just didn't get much sleep last night"

'That's a fucking lie you slept like a rock, I'm used to sleeping problems away'

You smile at him nervously as he eyes you "alright, well getting into the important business" he begins and you sit straighter

"About this whole thing I will have to apologize first of course, I'm sorry I put you in this situation due to my selfish desires and stress" he starts and your taken aback, that was not expected at all

"But also I hope you understand I can't have this information getting out about me...well.." he says and you nod understanding where he was getting at, it would tarnish his reputation, yours too as to seeing you were who he hooked up and got caught with, plus it'd start unnecessary drama

"I see..then uhm what do you suppose we do?" You say, feeling out of place even speaking and he stays quiet for a bit

"I.." he starts "if it would be alright with you" he says, your heart races, just say it already, what? Would it be alright if I moved across the country and never returned? If I changed my entire appearance and pretended like I was a figment of their imagination? If I-

"If you be my girlfriend for the time being"





Your body seems to go into fight or flight mode as your mouth practically falls open, a state of shock racking through your body, this..this was unexpected

Todoroki seemed to notice your state "I mean fake of course! Like, just keep this charade up for a few months and then "break up" then people wouldn't get suspicious, we can say we just simply decided to stay friends in the end" Todoroki quickly explains

You on the other hand were still quite shock

"Are you sure you don't just want me to move across the country..?" You ask without thinking

"What?" Todoroki says not quite hearing you and you shake your head trying to snap yourself out of your daze

"Not-nothing I apologize" you say and he looks at you confused on why you were apologizing

You think hard about this, the fake dating did seem like the best bet to get the outcomes both you and him wanted, and not to mention it's not like it's real or anything, but wouldn't this just start a bigger uproar? Would things go as planned for the break up? What if one of us falls-

Admist all your worrying and thinking your stomach growled, you two sat in silence

Your face dropped in absolute depression and embarrassment

'Lord you may strike me down where I stand, I wouldn't blame you, I know even you my lord feel the embarrassment so please, save us both the trouble' you pray,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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