Life of the party

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I chugged my next bottle of beer dancing around in my boxers and whooped so loud that everyone else felt the need to chime in on the action. It felt great to let loose once in a while and really truly feel alive. Since the release of our last album, I hadn't had a good amount of fun and relaxed in months. I glanced down at Alex and pulled him up onto the table with me. He still had his trousers on but his shirt was long gone. He started dancing in a traditional russian fashion and whooped at the top of his lungs too. He wasn't as drunk as I, in fact, as far as I could remember, he had only had one bottle. Barely anything for that man in particular. I couldn't stop laughing uncontrollably and everyone cheered at Alex as he pulled me to him and we started dancing, me nearly slipping off of the table in every moment.

Alex spun me on the spot and that just reminded me of how much I actually needed him in my life. Damn, we had been friends since middle school and every moment we spent with each other was a moment that could last a life time. Zack and Rian were stood at the edge of the table, ready to catch me at every given moment, but Alex had me covered. I was practically a part of him with the amount of pressure I was applying to his muscular chest. he draped my back over his forearm and bent down to my face before flinging me back up and spinning me again. We got off the table shortly afterwards and ran into the drunk crowd. They were all reaching to grasp onto Alex but his sweaty upper half made it harder for people to grab a hold of him.

"Alex Alex Alex Alex!" I started cheering as I pulled him over to the stereo karaoke system. He shook his head and gave me the 'shut up jack' face. I blushed and faced the waiting crowd. I started jumping like I would at a gig and clapped my hands above my head. "Alex Alex Alex Alex." I started to cheer again, beckoning the crowd to follow in my lead. A mixture of 'gaskarth's' and 'alex's' came from the hundred or so people eagerly waiting.

Begrudgingly, my best friend stepped up on the stage and began to sing the lyrics to one of our songs. He was certainly the most confident at them than anything else because he knew he rarely messed up with them. "This song's dedicated to my good friend Mr Jack barakat." He called pointing to me. "The life of the party." He added and grinned. Rian and Zack clapped somewhere behind me as a few of the other bands that we were here for cheered in their drunken state. There was a lot of cheering that night but we didn't care, besides we were too drunk to. Alex started singing in a melodic tone. I ran up on stage behind him and grabbed the guitar that stood there. I couldn't tell what chords I was playing but they fit as far as I could tell, which wasn't very far in all fairness.

"You've got me Poppin champagne, I'm at it again, caught up in the moment but not in the right way. I'm falling in between tearing up at the seams. We're just easy to please and aesthetics don't hurt one bit. So follow me down, take this all the way, any way you want to. Why don't you say so? I think I'm caught in between. The nights and days fly by when I'm lost on the streets and my eyes, they despise you for who I am. Why don't you say so? Why don't you say so?" He finished the first chorus and verse so I decided to stop there and let him sing acapella. The crowd went wild, somehow remembering every lyric afterwards and adding to the overall feel of Alex's voice. I loved it personally, I could listen to it for hours. If only he would sing for me and only me. When he was done, that's what I asked him to do. I pulled him to one of the spare rooms in Brendon Urie's condo. We sat on the bed next to each other.

"What's up?" He asked worriedly as I leant close to his face.

"Could you sing for me?" I asked. He gulped.

"Uh sure, but I don't have a guitar." He said with downcast eyes.

"I got you covered." I promised and pulled out the guitar I had smuggled in here earlier that night, purely for myself and not expecting Alex to use it but it made sense for him to use it now.

He rest his fingers in the form of a 'g' before deciding to change it up a bit and play something else. I was completely intent on listening to him play, mesmerised by the stuff this man could create with his hands and mouth. Once he had gotten started, his voice resonated off of the walls and played in such a mellow tone.

"I woke up on a Tuesday, felt like a Friday night to me. never want to leave this bed, tell me that you got nowhere to be. Can we stay all day, lay low in our lazy luxury. Sex in a rosé daze, all day it's a real good thing. And just like that, and there you go making it hard to stay on track. Got shit to do you got work but we fall right back into bed like it's all just a game. And we can't have that, no we can't have that, and we fall right back, just like that. If I said I want your body would you hold it against me? Seven in the morning want to listen to Britney. Anything you wanna baby that's okay with me now. Closing up the curtains while you call out of work now. Turning off my phone as you take off your shirt now. Waste another day, another night, another weekend. We don't sleep but we like sleeping in."

I rest my head on his shoulder as I could feel the rumble of his voice in his chest and the thump of his heartbeat. "Yo, jack buddy." Alex shook me off of him slightly, waking me from my small slumber. I nodded and rubbed my eyes before finding a set of pyjamas from Brendon's drawers. I promised to give them back to him eventually but I had to get home to actually sleep and throw up by the feel of things. "Where you going?" My brunette friend wondered. I shrugged. He placed his acoustic guitar next to him with the back of the neck resting against the mattress.

"Home." I decided and nodded in over dramatised confirmation. He nodded too.

"I will walk you home. I mean mate, you're smashed, it's not safe." Concern laced his eyes and I gave off a small giggle.

"I love you too Alex." I chuckled. "But I'm okay, I won't die or anything, I'm going to be A-okay!" I threw my arms up in the air before giving him a thumbs up and a wink. He rolled his eyes at me and left the room.

"Everyone say goodbye to king Barakat!" I heard him shout as I emerged from upstairs and came waddling down. The crowd went wild and cheered my name. Alex gave me a hug before letting me go to exit the scene. "Stay safe." He whispered. I nodded and smiled, then left.

Wake up sunshine ~ (Jalex)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora