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Rose: Rose is a human girl, (yes she is a lesbian, I ship her with Kanaya), she has two wands as her weapons of choice, she has short blonde hair and she wears an orange sort of dress thing with blue ballet flats.
Kanaya: Kanaya is a troll, which basically just means that she has grey skin and horns. She uses a chainsaw as her weapon. Trolls have a sort of system where they rank the importance of a troll by blood colour. Trolls all have different blood colours. The colours are in order of least important to most important: Dark red, bright red, brown, yellow, olive green, Jade green, teal, normal blue, dark blue, bluey purple, violet and fuchsia. Kanaya's blood colour is Jade green. All the trolls wear a shirt with their star sign (Taurus, Leo, Gemini, etc) symbol on it in their blood colour. Kanaya's is a green Virgo symbol shirt that she wears with a floor length red skirt.
Gamzee: Gamzee is a troll. He is obsessed with clowns and fizzy and always wears face paint. He is usually quite docile and harmless due to him always being slightly drunk, but when he runs out of the weird slime that he gets drunk from, he turns into this insane, rampaging killing machine of a clown. He talks like this...WHEN HE'S SOBER. His weapons are two juggling clubs. He has bluey purple bood, so he is known as the highblood since violet and pink are dead. Also he says honk and motherf*ckin a lot. He wears a black shirt with a bluey purple Capricorn symbol on it with black white polka dot baggy pants. :o)
Equius: Equius is a very strong dark blue blood troll who protects Nepeta
Nepeta: Nepeta is a small olive blood troll who resembles a cat in that she has a little blue tail and wears a blue cat beanie.
Terezi: Terezi is a blind teal blood troll. She has a way of 'seeing' by smelling or tasting (mostly smelling) the world around her. She wears a black shirt with a teal Libra symbol on it with black skinny jeans and red high tops.
Dream bubbles: The dream bubbles are basically the afterlife. They replay memories and show you what happened in other timelines and how things would've happened differently had you made other choices. You can also find other dead people in the dream bubbles, however, the dream bubbles tend to keep you away from the person you want to see the most.

Rose x Kanaya SadstuckWhere stories live. Discover now