Dream Bubbles

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It had been many hundreds of years since Rose had died. Time passed quickly in the dream bubbles. Maybe there was no time at all? Regardless, Rose had been there for so long, relieved so many memories, good and bad, but still she had never seen Kanaya. A blind prophet had once told her that the one you constantly sought out would always elude you. Rose had soon found out that this was a sad truth. Not once had she seen Kanaya. Not a flash of a red skirt, nor a glimpse of a green eye. But still she searched, and still she sang as she walked, her voice sometimes loud in silence, or strained in a crowded room. Still she sang, over and over:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
I hope you know dear, how much I love you.
Please no one take my sunshine away.
(A/N- I don't actually know if that's how it goes, but I'm hoping it is)
Then there was a voice singing with her. She couldn't remember when it had started, but it was definitely there. Always behind her, but when she looked there was no one there.
Kanaya had been dead for a long time as well. She roamed the dream bubbles, always searching for Rose, never resting and never giving up. She had not heard much in her time in the dream bubbles, only whispers and muffled voices. But one day, she did. Clear as day she heard a voice, about three meters in front of her, but she saw no one. She followed the voice and began to sing along with it, and after a while there was a faint outline of someone there. Her voice faltered in surprise. She hadn't seen it properly before, but there was someone there. She continued singing and walking, and day by day, the outline grew stronger, forming into a transparent ghost like figure in an orange dress. Kanaya stopped singing and stood, shocked at what she could now see. The figure seemed to notice her absence and turned to look at her.
The voice stopped suddenly. Rose turned to see if anything had happened, and saw the see through figure of a girl wearing a black shirt and a long red skirt, her short black hair curled up at the ends and her beautiful features a mask of surprise. Rose took a step back. Could it really be her, after all this time? "Kanaya?" She asked hopefully. The girl grinned and nodded. Rose laughed and ran and hugged her, her eyes tearing up with happiness. "I've missed you so much." Kanaya said. "Me too Kanaya!" Rose replied, "Was it you who was singing with me?" Kanaya nodded, "It was. You have a beautiful voice." Rose laughed and held out her hand to her new companion, "Shall we?" Rose asked. Kanaya grinned and replied, "We shall!" She took Rose's hand and they ran off into the unknown.

(A/N- I'm so sorry for the cheesy ending. I seriously could not think of anything else! If anyone has anything better than that crappy ending then please tell me!)

Rose x Kanaya SadstuckWhere stories live. Discover now